

Easy Guidelines for Creating and Running SA Teen Entrepreneur Societies

SA Teen Entrepreneur societies are all about promoting growth, great ideas, inspiration and collaboration. If you are keen to create a society at your school, doing so is easy with [...]

December 10th, 2018|Categories: How To Articles|Tags: , |

Entrepreneurial Spirit but Failing School? Here’s What You Need to Know

Got the entrepreneurial spirit but not doing so well in school? Fear not. It is still possible to succeed… and it is still possible to get a degree. Here’s how. [...]

December 3rd, 2018|Categories: Articles for Teens|Tags: , , |

Inspiring and growing the next generation of farmers in South Africa

In order to work on future sustainability for farming in South Africa, there needs to be more encouragement from educational institutions as well as farming communities themselves to create a [...]

November 28th, 2018|Categories: Articles for Teens|Tags: , , , |
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