Easy Guidelines for Creating and Running SA Teen Entrepreneur Societies
SA Teen Entrepreneur societies are all about promoting growth, great ideas, inspiration and collaboration. If you are keen to create a society at your school, doing so is easy with [...]
Entrepreneurial Spirit but Failing School? Here’s What You Need to Know
Got the entrepreneurial spirit but not doing so well in school? Fear not. It is still possible to succeed… and it is still possible to get a degree. Here’s how. [...]
Inspiring and growing the next generation of farmers in South Africa
In order to work on future sustainability for farming in South Africa, there needs to be more encouragement from educational institutions as well as farming communities themselves to create a [...]
Not all champion teachers are created equal; here’s why
Champion teachers are at the frontline of grooming tomorrow’s impact entrepreneurs. Dedicated teachers will tell you that teaching is so much more than a job, it is a calling. The [...]
Surviving Exam Season
Surviving High School is tough and exam season can make it even more stressful. There’s no getting away from it. Even the most laid-back of students will find themselves frantically [...]
The land issue (and what that’s got to do with you)
Speaking to world leaders and investors in New York during the month of September 2018, our South African President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed that the expropriation of land without compensation was [...]
4 Do’s and don’ts to fight unemployment
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realise that unemployment is a problem in South Africa. You see the protests on TV and hear about it all the [...]
How Crime and Social Status Impact the Youth and Their Future
Sometimes you've just got to make do with your lot in life. At least that's how the saying goes. When we have been born into a family that struggles financially [...]
Teen Start-up Success Stories
If you, like many other ambitious young South Africans, have a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur, sometimes all you need to get there is a sprinkle of inspiration and, [...]
What can you do with R40 and a bunch of Spinach? Ask The Spinach King
What do you see? Perhaps you are down-and-out and clinging to the last cash you've got. The question is what do you see? Do you see yourself forsaken and on [...]
Being the new kid on the block isn’t easy – reach out
If only I had a mentor... These are often the sentiments of young people who long to look up to someone cool. Yet, what if you could be that mentor? [...]
How to be taken seriously as a young entrepreneur
Being a young entrepreneur is not easy. On the one hand, you may feel like you've got this, but can often find yourself disregarded by sponsors and investors because they [...]
Job shadowing: The missing link to propelling career development
Job shadowing is when you spend the workday with a professional following them to see what they do, how they do it and perhaps also getting involved as they permit. [...]
We need help to change lives and promote a society?
When the strength of the elders is gone, it is the youth of today who will usher this land into competitive economies and be the creators of world changing innovative [...]
What do the UN Sustainable Development Goals have to do with you?
There are 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are collectively set to help make our world a better place. What is interesting to note is that they [...]
5 Life Survival Tips for Young People
The transition from teenager to young adult can be a daunting one, but it’s oh so exciting as well. If you choose to move out, you’ll finally get some space [...]
What’s all the fuss about blogging?
Blogs (short for "web logs") have transformed the manner in which we tell stories. Ever since they gained popularity in the 1990s, they have dominated the digital space. Their influence [...]
Do you have the qualities of a self-made millionaire?Â
We dare you to take a look at your current bank balance and add a couple of zeros to it. Actually, add lots of zeros. This may probably be a [...]
If time could speak, what would it say about you?
Time speaks. Youth Month (June) shows us that. We see this with the students who refused to let it be business as usual. In 1976, they took a stand for [...]
How to find inspiration and share it
We all give up along the way. Some persevere, linger for a while then fade away before the finish line. Others dare to find inspiration to keep them going against [...]