The transition from teenager to young adult can be a daunting one, but it’s oh so exciting as well. If you choose to move out, you’ll finally get some space and freedom to come and go as you please. However, that independence brings with it a whole raft of new responsibilities. There’ll be plenty for you to get your head around, whether you’re heading off to university or just ready to take your first steps into adulthood. Check out these five survival skills so that when you move out you’ll be more than ready for independent life.

1. Get to grips with basic domestic skills

If there’s one thing that’s guaranteed when you move out, apart from the sense of freedom, it’s that things in your new home will inevitably go wrong. Getting a grip on sone handy life skills like tightening washers on taps, wiring a plug, or messier tasks like how to unblock a toilet, will prepare you for those problems. Consider the internet your new domestic agony aunt. For example, just click here for more information about how to unblock a toilet. Of course, sometimes you’ll also need to know when to call out the professionals too, so make sure you know your limits – another key life skill!

2. Learn how to cook

It’s really easy to reach for convenience food or the takeaway option when you head out on your own for the first time, but learning how to cook will give you more chance of staying healthy, whilst also setting you up nicely as a self-sufficient adult. Plus, it’s so much cheaper. There are lots of sources of useful information and plenty of recipes or even video tutorials online to help you along your way. But don’t forget to ask around; chances are your friends and relatives will have a dish or two up their sleeves as well. We’re not talking professional chef standard here, just a few staple dishes packed with nutrition will do and you’ll learn more as you go.

3. Respect your neighbours

Wherever you move out to, you are more than likely going to be surrounded by other people, so keep that in mind at all times. Be considerate about the noise you make (especially late at night, how loud your music is, and be polite to your neighbours. You don’t have to become best friends, but the more civil you are the easier life will be for all involved, especially when there is any form of dispute.

4. Learn how to budget

Without doubt, learning how to budget is one of the most important survival skills you’ll ever learn, and one that you’ll have no choice over. Now’s the time to become aware of expenditure, bills and financial commitments, and match them up to what you have in the bank. Write it down, create a spreadsheet – do whatever you need to do – just make sure you’ve got a handle on what you can afford and avoid going into debt unnecessarily. In our ever more technological age, there are even apps that you can download to help you with tracking your outgoings.

5. Ask for help

Finally, keep in touch with your family! Not just because they’ll be worrying about how you’re getting on, but also because they’ve got much more life experience than you. In the same way that you need to know your limits with home repairs and get to grips with your financial commitments, being aware of when you need to ask for help is a huge part of personal growth. No one’s expecting you to know it all, so take the pressure off and ask for advice whenever you feel out of your depth or just need some reassurance from a friendly voice.

Keep these tips in your mind and your transition from home to independence will be more exciting than it is overwhelming. Welcome to adulthood!