Overcoming Gender Bias as a Female Entrepreneur in South Africa
Despite the fact that women were granted equal rights many, many years ago, there is no denying that there is still a gender bias problem all around the globe – [...]
Are you Starting your Own Business for all the Wrong Reasons?
When you’re passionate about something, you’re super ambitious and you want to put your unique talents to good use. Venturing out into the big, bad world and fulfilling your potential [...]
Why Schools Should Teach Entrepreneurship
Schools teach our children all about algebra, geometry, history and divinity, subjects which provide them with skills and knowledge that the majority will likely never use again in their adult [...]
Moulding a Marketing Thought Process for Your Start-up Business
The right marketing efforts are what will be responsible for generating leads and success for your brand new start-up business. A SWOT analysis is your starting point, as once you [...]
Entrepreneurship: The Key to Solving Unemployment in SA
At the end of last year, the unemployment rate reached the highest it has been in over 13 years – definitely not good news for ambitious young South Africans looking [...]
Bringing Digital Learning into South African Townships
With poor education being one of the main reasons behind the unemployment crisis facing South Africa today, many organisations and individuals are doing their best to find practical solutions in [...]
The Importance of Nurturing Entrepreneurship Learning from an Early Age
Over the last decade or so in South Africa, there has been a massive focus on the encouragement of entrepreneurship, as well as developing the spirit and drive necessary to [...]
5 Truths to Keep You Focused and on the Right Path
So, you want to be successful? Then listen up! Here are the 5 truths that every young entrepreneur needs to hear… Failure Often Comes First Do you really think that [...]
Do YOU Have the Skills that it Takes to be an Entrepreneur?
While certain personality types adapt better to leadership and everything involved with becoming an entrepreneur slightly more easily than others, the truth is that with ambition, passion and perseverance, anyone [...]
Young Entrepreneur? Here Are 3 Helpful Apps You Need to Download
Being a successful entrepreneur means taking responsibility for ensuring that your products and / or services are up to scratch, pleasing your customers, multitasking on a daily basis, and everything [...]
SA Teen Entrepreneurs Make Us Proud at the Sage Summit 2017
The Sage Summit is an anticipated yearly training, learning and networking event for business owners across the country. It provides entrepreneurs, both young and old, with the opportunity to talk [...]
How Online Learning is Transforming South Africa
One of the biggest problems in terms of development within South Africa has been a lack of education, or access to learning. Thankfully, as technology has continued to advance, online [...]
How You Can Help Drive Entrepreneurship in South Africa
Entrepreneurship is not only important when it comes to building confidence and self-esteem within a young individual, it is also important for the future growth and development of our beautiful [...]
The Difference between Mentors and Coaches
When it comes to inspiring young minds and helping to develop important leadership and entrepreneurial skills, both mentors and coaches have a very important role to play. Let’s clear up [...]
Teachers and Principals – It’s Time to Do Your Part!
As teachers and principals, the youth of today and entrepreneurs of tomorrow are in your hands. You hold the key to their futures and it is up to you to [...]
Champion Leaders required – do you fit the bill?
They say that people are born leaders, but this isn't always the case. By focusing on developing certain characteristics and qualities, anyone and everyone can become a leader! The question [...]
Be a Bold Teen Entrepreneur
Being an entrepreneur is about so much more than simply having a great idea – it is about doing everything in your power to make that idea work! Bold teen [...]
The chicken or the egg – are you a leader or a follower?
Why settle for anything less than being totally awesome? Why let other people dictate your journey when you can navigate it yourself? Why be a follower when you can be [...]
Guiding our Youth – Are you Mentor Material?
Life skills have to be learnt and a good mentor acts as a transition in guiding youth from adolescence into adulthood, something that often gets left behind as school leavers [...]
Make Technology Your Friend
Once upon a time, back when your parents were young teens, they didn’t have access to the level of technology available today. Imagine life without Google or a mobile device!! [...]