26 09, 2017

Connor vs McGregor – the biggest fight ever gives hope to many

2017-09-12T09:39:51+02:00September 26th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

There’s something refreshing about refining your skills to the extent that you are the very best. Your gift, when polished, will bring you before kings, captains of industry and the world at large. At the end of August 2017, the world assembled to watch the much anticipated fight between "Connor vs McGregor". Two internationally acclaimed [...]

19 09, 2017

Where to from here? Skills based learning or a degree

2017-09-12T08:14:30+02:00September 19th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

Regardless of your gender, financial status, geographical divide, physical limitations and hereditary background; there is something inside of you that is whole. You are YOU - complete. Lacking nothing. It is so easy to get taken aback with popular culture which dictates the career path for the masses or a guideline to success. Rather than letting [...]

12 09, 2017

Fabulously South African flagship female entrepreneurs – how to follow in their footsteps

2017-09-12T08:02:35+02:00September 12th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

At Teen Entrepreneur we don’t need Women’s Month (August) or Female Founders Month (May) to acknowledge the role of women in entrepreneurship. While we celebrate and encourage everyone to make positive change in the entrepreneurial sphere, we also play our bit in mobilising marginalised groups, such as disadvantaged, women and children. Here are 3 extraordinary South African [...]

22 08, 2017

Best business startup ideas for the modern day entrepreneur

2017-08-04T09:34:57+02:00August 22nd, 2017|Articles for Teens|

What are you naturally inclined to, to the extent that you would consider doing it even without getting paid? Passion, detail and solutions; those are the must-haves for any prospective modern day entrepreneur. Here are 6 business startup ideas to get you started on your entrepreneurial journey. Social media management We live in a time where [...]

15 08, 2017

How learners can “push” their schools to get involved in an entrepreneurial society

2017-08-04T09:36:13+02:00August 15th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

In sandy desert parched places like Dubai – a city-state in the United Arab Emirates – people don’t depend on rain to fall from the sky before progressing with that which they aspire to do. Rather, they assemble their collective resources and expertise to grow abundant crops, even in spite of the rain, or the [...]

31 07, 2017

Changemakers – Social Entrepreneurial Collaboration

2017-07-11T06:25:38+02:00July 31st, 2017|Articles for Teens|

Nowadays, entrepreneurship needs to be about so much more than simply dreaming up a big idea and taking the action necessary in order to turn it into a reality. It needs to be about changing the world! Unfortunately, changing the world all by yourself can be a frustrating, exhausting and lonely road. So what is [...]

10 07, 2017

Make the Most of Your Holidays: Attend the Teen Boss Event!

2017-07-11T06:24:17+02:00July 10th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

Yeah! School’s out, well for a while at least! Which means plenty of opportunity to check out that ‘13 Reasons Why’ show on Netflix that everyone’s been talking about… or challenge your mates to a few rounds of FIFA, right? Not entirely, no! While chill time is important, especially if you’ve been working really hard [...]

19 06, 2017

Overcoming Gender Bias as a Female Entrepreneur in South Africa

2017-06-06T07:39:26+02:00June 19th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

Despite the fact that women were granted equal rights many, many years ago, there is no denying that there is still a gender bias problem all around the globe – and South Africa definitely isn’t an exception. Not only do women generally receive lower incomes than men regardless of possessing the same skills and filling [...]

12 06, 2017

Are you Starting your Own Business for all the Wrong Reasons?

2017-06-06T07:37:48+02:00June 12th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

When you’re passionate about something, you’re super ambitious and you want to put your unique talents to good use. Venturing out into the big, bad world and fulfilling your potential as an entrepreneur is both a rewarding and thrilling feat. The question is, is it actually possible to start a business for the wrong reasons? [...]

29 05, 2017

Moulding a Marketing Thought Process for Your Start-up Business

2017-04-24T08:58:53+02:00May 29th, 2017|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

The right marketing efforts are what will be responsible for generating leads and success for your brand new start-up business. A SWOT analysis is your starting point, as once you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your product or business, you can then take an informed look at the opportunities and threats imposed by your [...]

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