Regardless of your gender, financial status, geographical divide, physical limitations and hereditary background; there is something inside of you that is whole. You are YOU – complete. Lacking nothing.

It is so easy to get taken aback with popular culture which dictates the career path for the masses or a guideline to success. Rather than letting statistics accurately predict and determine your outcomes; here are three tips you need to consider when making the choice between skills based learning or a degree to further your aspirations of entrepreneurship.

1. How much time do you have?

When it comes to time, it is important to note that success is not a magic pill that puffs up like yeast overnight. It often takes time. That being said, the “needs” of every individual and student comes into play. While some students have the backing of both parents and can comfortably take their time navigating a four-year degree, some simply don’t have the time and need to get a skill fast and start generating income.

2. What do you want to do?

Several Millennial Techies are opting for skills based training over tertiary to obtain the skills that they want to do. If your passion is building great interactive websites, then you don’t need to wait until you can go to college to acquire those skills. Many free online learning sites and even Google searches can empower you with the necessary coaching to be able to learn how to do that.

3. What is your domain?

It is difficult to get an answer to the future if you are not able to locate yourself within the present moment. One way of doing this is by knowing yourself and your natural inclinations. What is it that you would love to do for the rest of your life? Do you have a passion for the medical profession, chemistry or engineering? Then you may need to continue your education at university. If your domain is in gaming, graphics, app building and so forth, you could consider the online skills acquisition route.

Whatever channel you decide, it is important to be continuously learning. Avoid an idle mind. Think of something, even if it is outside of your intuitive scope of interest because it is possible for you to be multi-skilled.

First find out what you want to do and then you can navigate your way towards getting there. Don’t be afraid to venture into the less travelled route. Why wait until “one day when I grow up”? Become a Teen Boss today!