4 12, 2017

Top confidence boosters and confident strategies

2017-11-23T07:48:03+02:00December 4th, 2017|How To Articles|

Have you ever had a great idea, but didn’t know how to get the world to listen? There are moments in life when you know you have stumbled upon something different, but don’t know how to get your point across. You may feel shy, scared and are doubting your self-confidence. Here are some tried and [...]

27 11, 2017

How to prioritise self, community and entrepreneurship

2017-11-23T07:08:26+02:00November 27th, 2017|How To Articles|

It never ends. The rat race. You pretty much move on from a nappy bag to a kiddie bag, school back pack to laptop bag and some trade this for a nursing sack with all the medication for the elderly. We are constantly evolving and caught up with stuff. Students often say that they just [...]

24 10, 2017

Selling solutions for money and recognition

2017-10-13T06:05:45+02:00October 24th, 2017|How To Articles|

Self-employment is not another word for unemployment. Likewise, not all entrepreneurs are game changers or will cut it. You can have a great idea, but unless you make it sustainable and relevant; you're just passing time. It does not take much to qualify as an entrepreneur, but for the corporate world and our competitive counterparts [...]

12 10, 2017

Confidence – How to pitch an idea

2017-10-12T11:15:52+02:00October 12th, 2017|How To Articles|

We all know them; that English, LO or Biology teacher who uses comical gestures, weird voices and popping eyelids to get us to remember Shakespearean phrases and rather crude parts of our bodies. They make for great extended lunch break conversations and potentially viral Gifs (those funny little videos you share on WhatsApp). Yet what you [...]

3 10, 2017

Top 25 ways to making your first R1

2017-09-12T09:49:56+02:00October 3rd, 2017|How To Articles|

Many teens, leaders and parents come to this platform in search of advice on entrepreneurship and practical ways in which to make money. One question we often get in the feedback sessions at our many initiatives, is that after all the training, all the motivation and ideas; how do you actually get started in making [...]

29 05, 2017

Moulding a Marketing Thought Process for Your Start-up Business

2017-04-24T08:58:53+02:00May 29th, 2017|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

The right marketing efforts are what will be responsible for generating leads and success for your brand new start-up business. A SWOT analysis is your starting point, as once you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your product or business, you can then take an informed look at the opportunities and threats imposed by your [...]

3 04, 2017

Young Entrepreneur? Here Are 3 Helpful Apps You Need to Download

2017-03-27T09:49:00+02:00April 3rd, 2017|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Being a successful entrepreneur means taking responsibility for ensuring that your products and / or services are up to scratch, pleasing your customers, multitasking on a daily basis, and everything else in between. Although it may sound overwhelming there are many sources of support and guidance, and it makes sense to use all of the [...]

5 01, 2017

Be a Bold Teen Entrepreneur

2016-12-08T08:45:59+02:00January 5th, 2017|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Being an entrepreneur is about so much more than simply having a great idea – it is about doing everything in your power to make that idea work! Bold teen entrepreneurs have a vision and, most importantly, they have a plan. They don’t wait for opportunities to come their way… they create their own opportunities. [...]

3 11, 2016

Make Technology Your Friend

2017-02-02T12:35:36+02:00November 3rd, 2016|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, How To Articles|

Once upon a time, back when your parents were young teens, they didn’t have access to the level of technology available today. Imagine life without Google or a mobile device!! Luckily, you don’t have that problem. Instead, your challenge is to figure out which of the myriad of online tools to use to build and [...]

27 10, 2016

Dream It then Do It

2017-02-02T12:35:36+02:00October 27th, 2016|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, How To Articles|

If you’re a budding entrepreneur, you probably have a lot of ideas floating around in your head. That’s a great start – after all, nothing would exist if someone didn’t first have a great idea and imagine it becoming reality. It’s not enough though: in order to make your dream happen, you need to consider [...]

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