How to Make Your Mark on Our Youth
Parents, teachers, investors, community leaders – there are SO many ways that you can make a mark on South Africa’s youth, empowering them to put the work in to reach [...]
Young Entrepreneurs Are Paving the Way in SA
If you can dream it, you can do it. Despite the struggling local economy, young entrepreneurs from across South Africa are obtaining levels of success most cannot even begin to [...]
Top three tips to spot an entrepreneur in your midst
While the world is quick to rave about the Mark Zuckerbergs and Oprah Winfreys of our times, many overlook the presence of upcoming young entrepreneurs within our very homes and [...]
Switch up your habits for the year ahead – being highly productiveÂ
What is it about super successful people being so highly productive? The reality is that they are probably as successful as they are because they are so highly productive. The [...]
Shaping the Power of Entrepreneurship
The onus is currently on parents and teachers to unleash the potential of ambitious, young entrepreneurs. These dedicated individuals are key to rebuilding our country’s struggling economy and restoring hope [...]
Teachers: Every Nation’s Unsung HeroesÂ
Teachers are the most important resources of every nation. Ultimately, they hold more than just the power to inspire individual students – they hold the power to uplift and rebuild [...]
Being Mindful of MindfulnessÂ
You may have heard the term ‘mindfulness’ being thrown around by now. It is, after all, the most prominent trend and buzzword in the world of psychology, health, and wellness [...]
Young entrepreneurs pay it forward – Here’s how!
Fact or fiction? One day, when I grow up, I will pay it forward. Well, the answer is in your hands already. As a budding entrepreneur, you can decide if [...]
What is your 20/20 vision – setting your goals
We understand all too well about New Year resolutions and setting personal goals. It’s almost a predictable topic of discussion at this time of the year. However, like phases, if [...]
Encouraging entrepreneurship at school
As 2019 comes to a close, it becomes evident how the current state of the South African economy has worsened the already high levels of unemployment. The unemployment level has [...]
Why Cyber Security Needs to be a Priority in 2020
As we approach the new year, technology seems to be playing an increasingly large part in our lives, and we see this in business as well. Our demands on technology [...]
The Fear of Success: It’s Real and It’s More Common Than You Think
As a young entrepreneur, your ultimate goal is almost certain to be that of achieving great success in all of your endeavours. The question is, does this goal come with [...]
Growing young entrepreneurs in Africa
Enough chit chat. If you don't want to take our word for it, then take it from Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa. In his recent announcement, he [...]
The burden of unemployment
There is no denying the fact that unemployment is a massive issue in South Africa. The current unemployment rate is sitting at 29% and continues to rise year upon year. [...]
Top Tips For New Entrepreneurs
Every entrepreneur has to start somewhere and launching your first business venture can be an exciting time. It can also be daunting as you will be desperate for the company [...]
7 Important Entrepreneurial Lessons
There will be a number of lessons that you will learn as you begin your journey as an entrepreneur and start your own business. Why not save time and money [...]
25 Ways to Be a Kind Entrepreneur with Acts of Random Kindness
Acts of Random Kindness (ARC). These four words can expand your social circle, uplift the downtrodden, and prove to be beneficial to self, at school, home or even as a [...]
Are you a wantrepreneur or an entrepreneur? Â
Are you a true entrepreneur at heart, or simply a wanna-be entrepreneur (wantrepreneur) who just can’t quite manage to pull it off? We’re sure it’s the former, but just in [...]
Levelling the playing field
It's no secret: the workplace is often plagued with gender inequalities. These can pop up in many facets that range from men earning more than women, to organisational cultures preferring [...]
Why entrepreneurship is imperative in the fight against unemployment
There is no getting away from the fact that unemployment is a serious problem in South Africa. According to Stats SA, 6.7-million people are currently unemployed in South Africa, which [...]