About Teen Entrepreneur

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So far Teen Entrepreneur has created 147 blog entries.
9 02, 2015

SA’s youth challenges can be solved through entrepreneurship

2017-02-02T12:35:42+02:00February 9th, 2015|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, Home|

The first time I went to Khayelitsha was on a Sunday afternoon. I had spent the day lazing around, when a friend called to say he was going there to drop somebody off and asked if I wanted to tag along. In a heartbeat I said yes; it had been almost 3 years since I moved to Cape Town, and I had never been to this township that I had heard so much about.

9 02, 2015

Equal opportunities for the Youth of South Africa – How much has changed since 1994?

2017-02-02T12:35:42+02:00February 9th, 2015|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, Home|

As I write this, I’m having a drink with my colleague Nick Owsley, a graduate with an Honours Degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of Cape Town. With Human Rights Day approaching I can’t help but think how fortunate our generation is. A mere 18 years ago, in South Africa it was regarded as breaking the law for a black person to have a drink with a white person in many watering holes – how far we have come since then.

9 02, 2015

Internships meet the needs of business and grads

2016-01-13T08:42:16+02:00February 9th, 2015|Articles for Teens, Home|

Internships are becoming increasingly popular in the working world, both for graduates looking to gain working experience, and for businesses looking for more hands on deck. In this article, we share a story of IT company owner, Nirvesh Sooful of African Ideas, and GAP intern Mapaseka Dipale who are both benefiting from internship.

25 04, 2014

Awaken The Giant in YOU – 22 May 2014

2017-02-02T12:35:43+02:00April 25th, 2014|Past Workshops|

Martin Brown is an inspiring business and motivational speaker who focuses on overcoming adversity and instilling creative thinking with true inspirational leadership. Martin's talks build on his own story of his obsession with the guy who broke his neck and how he turned this obsession and his greatest tragedy into his greatest success, thus demonstrating how his extraordinary experience shaped his unique view on inspirational leadership.

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