The vision of SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation which was formed in 2011 is to cultivate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in all South African teenagers, whilst still at school...
Awaken The Giant in YOU – 22 May 2014
Martin Brown is an inspiring business and motivational speaker who focuses on overcoming adversity and instilling creative thinking with true inspirational leadership. Martin's talks build on his own story of his obsession with the guy who broke his neck and how he turned this obsession and his greatest tragedy into his greatest success, thus demonstrating how his extraordinary experience shaped his unique view on inspirational leadership.
Local is Lekka : Cape Town Outshines the rest
Is it the sea air or the ‘weave your own clobber’ badge of cool? Or could it be the mountains that like make me just wanna climb bru”. Here’s the thing - where you aware that Cape Town has the auspicious title of most entrepreneurial city in South Africa? With Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Activity (referring to [...]
Finding the Fit
Deep breath … because this is certainly key to your entrepreneurial success story. So how does one go about identifying that fit? That niche market that favours your entrepreneurial spirit? Craig Falck at Africa Report www.africareport.com puts it well saying, “Someone experiences that ‘light bulb above the head’ moment, where they identify a portion of [...]
Keeping it Real
This blog could go on and on about all things entrepreneurial (it’s our favourite subject!) but not offer you the nitty gritty; the meat and gravy; the down and dirty. One of our key objectives is to offer you the teenager, the parent or the educator a “How To” platform that you can refer to [...]
Oh laaaaaaaawd won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
Agreed, I’m digging deep with this analogy but bear with me. Is it daddy’s responsibility to hand 16 year old Meg the Mercedes Benz on a silver platter aka ‘My Sweet Sixteen”? Or should dad rather be the enabler to encourage Meg (whose friends all drive Porches remember so the pressure is on) to rather [...]
Smart Thinking for Crazy Times!
If you get light headed when it comes to profound Latin translations then you may want to take a seat. ‘Primus Inter Pares’ meaning ‘first among our peers’ is the mantra for Headboy Industries Inc and its captain, Ludwick Marishane. There is nothing more profound than being able to say entrepreneurship rocks with a real [...]
Defining a niche market
A niche market is a specific group of people within a larger market. These people have specific needs and often need specialist companies to fulfil their needs. When you think of a niche market what springs to mind? Teen Entrepreneur Foundation is a good example of a niche market (if we say so oursleves). We [...]
Awaken the Giant in You – 28 February 2014
BIG DREAMS START YOUNG: Lessons from those who have walked the walk Venue: Vineyard Hotel and Spa – Newlands Hotel, Cape Town Date: 28th February 2014 Time: 8am – 10am Price: R150pp (includes a hearty breakfast) Statistics released by the Independent Examinations board late last year revealed a 98.56% matric pass rate for 2013 [...]