8 05, 2017

Entrepreneurship: The Key to Solving Unemployment in SA

2017-04-24T08:53:26+02:00May 8th, 2017|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens|

At the end of last year, the unemployment rate reached the highest it has been in over 13 years – definitely not good news for ambitious young South Africans looking to make something of themselves, and certainly not much motivation for our youth! A whopping 27.1% of the population is currently sitting without a job. [...]

1 05, 2017

Bringing Digital Learning into South African Townships

2017-04-24T08:51:00+02:00May 1st, 2017|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens|

With poor education being one of the main reasons behind the unemployment crisis facing South Africa today, many organisations and individuals are doing their best to find practical solutions in terms of overcoming this hurdle. Since the internet came into play, there has been so much information out there just waiting to be consumed. Unfortunately, [...]

17 04, 2017

5 Truths to Keep You Focused and on the Right Path

2017-03-27T09:53:29+02:00April 17th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

So, you want to be successful? Then listen up! Here are the 5 truths that every young entrepreneur needs to hear… Failure Often Comes First Do you really think that South Africa’s best known entrepreneurs, like Vusi Thembekwayo, became successful the moment they began their business journeys? Definitely not! The old saying ‘if at first [...]

10 04, 2017

Do YOU Have the Skills that it Takes to be an Entrepreneur?

2017-03-27T09:51:16+02:00April 10th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

While certain personality types adapt better to leadership and everything involved with becoming an entrepreneur slightly more easily than others, the truth is that with ambition, passion and perseverance, anyone can become an entrepreneur. Below, we take a look at a few of the more important skills that you will need to possess in order [...]

3 04, 2017

Young Entrepreneur? Here Are 3 Helpful Apps You Need to Download

2017-03-27T09:49:00+02:00April 3rd, 2017|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Being a successful entrepreneur means taking responsibility for ensuring that your products and / or services are up to scratch, pleasing your customers, multitasking on a daily basis, and everything else in between. Although it may sound overwhelming there are many sources of support and guidance, and it makes sense to use all of the [...]

6 03, 2017

How Online Learning is Transforming South Africa

2017-02-17T08:59:26+02:00March 6th, 2017|Articles for Teens, General|

One of the biggest problems in terms of development within South Africa has been a lack of education, or access to learning. Thankfully, as technology has continued to advance, online learning is quickly becoming a long-term solution to this persistent problem. The internet is chockfull of information and provides keen minds with the chance to [...]

20 02, 2017

The Difference between Mentors and Coaches

2017-02-17T08:56:14+02:00February 20th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

When it comes to inspiring young minds and helping to develop important leadership and entrepreneurial skills, both mentors and coaches have a very important role to play. Let’s clear up some questions before they arise and take a look at the main differences, as well as the main similarities, that exist between them. Mentors are [...]

13 02, 2017

Teachers and Principals – It’s Time to Do Your Part!

2017-02-17T08:53:18+02:00February 13th, 2017|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General, Home|

As teachers and principals, the youth of today and entrepreneurs of tomorrow are in your hands. You hold the key to their futures and it is up to you to do everything you possibly can in order to inspire, motivate and mentor these leaders of the future! South Africa is home to so much potential [...]

12 01, 2017

Champion Leaders required – do you fit the bill?

2016-12-08T08:51:22+02:00January 12th, 2017|Articles for Teens|

They say that people are born leaders, but this isn't always the case. By focusing on developing certain characteristics and qualities, anyone and everyone can become a leader! The question is, are you champion leader material? Let's find out... Are you proactive? Great leaders don't sit around waiting for opportunities to find them. They get up [...]

5 01, 2017

Be a Bold Teen Entrepreneur

2016-12-08T08:45:59+02:00January 5th, 2017|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Being an entrepreneur is about so much more than simply having a great idea – it is about doing everything in your power to make that idea work! Bold teen entrepreneurs have a vision and, most importantly, they have a plan. They don’t wait for opportunities to come their way… they create their own opportunities. [...]

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