About Candice Winterboer

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So far Candice Winterboer has created 234 blog entries.
4 01, 2022

Ultimate Teenage Entrepreneur Checklist | Teen Entrepreneurs

2022-01-13T08:29:14+02:00January 4th, 2022|Articles for Teens|

So you want to be an Entrepreneur Here’s the Ultimate Teenage Entrepreneur Checklist A fantastic business idea and demand for your products and services are an excellent starting point on your road to entrepreneurship. There’s a lot more involved in making it happen, though. Browse our teenage entrepreneur checklist for guidance on how to thrive [...]

23 12, 2021

Digital Marketing 101 | Young Entrepreneurs

2025-03-13T17:00:09+02:00December 23rd, 2021|Articles for Teens|

Image source: dubaisims.com All about Digital Marketing for Young Entrepreneurs Digital marketing 101 is more important than ever before in the wake of the pandemic. Nowadays almost everyone investigates products and services online before making a purchase. Everybody needs digital marketing, and these are the basics of digital marketing for young entrepreneurs you [...]

9 12, 2021

Simple Steps to Teen Entrepreneurship |

2021-12-17T07:37:44+02:00December 9th, 2021|Articles for Teens, General, How To Articles, Uncategorized|

12 Simple Steps to Teen Entrepreneurship Do you have brilliant ideas that could shape your community and even change the world, or are your entrepreneurial ambitions solely based on making a good living for your family? Either way, your journey as an entrepreneur takes place one step at a time. The steps to teen entrepreneurship [...]

2 12, 2021

Youth Entrepreneurship Solution | Tech Hubs

2021-12-02T12:06:59+02:00December 2nd, 2021|Featured Articles|

Tech Hubs in Africa – An Innovative Solution to Foster Youth Entrepreneurship We live in interesting times. Challenging, but interesting, nonetheless. Fortunately, as Africans, we’re used to challenges and finding innovative ways to overcome them by fostering youth entrepreneurship is just one way. Education is one of these stumbling blocks holding us back from achieving [...]

16 11, 2021

Key to Small Business Success | Teen Entrepreneur

2021-11-15T14:03:35+02:00November 16th, 2021|How To Articles, Uncategorized|

The Key to Small Business Success for Teen Entrepreneurs Starting a small business is an exciting time, but if you want the good times to keep on rolling, you’ve got some work to do. The key to small business success is so much more than an idea. If you really want to succeed you need [...]

9 11, 2021

New Business Entrepreneurs | Digital Marketing

2021-11-09T15:50:22+02:00November 9th, 2021|How To Articles|

4 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Need Digital Marketing Nowadays, no business can survive without an active, engaging marketing plan and digital marketing is a major force in this realm. Your customers are waiting to hear from you, and here’s why digital marketing is one of the best ways to reach them: Affordability and Authority While there [...]

19 10, 2021

Advantages of learning online | Online Learning

2021-10-12T14:55:24+02:00October 19th, 2021|Articles for Teens|

What are the advantages of online learning? COVID-19 has really thrust online learning and its many advantages into the spotlight, helping everyone, both young and old, to continue expanding on their knowledge despite the many negative consequences of the pandemic, such as a need for social distancing. Below, we highlight just a few online learning [...]

11 10, 2021

Virtual Assistant Mentorship | Learn & Earn

2021-10-12T14:45:43+02:00October 11th, 2021|Articles for Teens, Uncategorized|

Learn and earn: How to become your mentor's virtual assistant One of the best ways to learn the skills necessary to start your own business or to break into a specific industry is to seek out a mentor who can provide you with guidance and a myriad of exciting learning opportunities. Unfortunately, if you need [...]

7 09, 2021

Youth Entrepreneurship | It’s Time

2021-09-03T07:23:43+02:00September 7th, 2021|Featured Articles|

NOW is the time for youth entrepreneurship South Africa relies on entrepreneurs and their unique business ideas to boost the economy, as well as to help alleviate the unemployment crisis. The statistics speak for themselves, with youth unemployment rising to a staggering 64,4% of those aged 15-24 and 42,9% of those between 25-34 in the [...]

2 09, 2021

Entrepreneurial mindset | Mind over Matter

2021-09-03T07:17:34+02:00September 2nd, 2021|Articles for Teens|

The benefits of having an entrepreneurial mindset The road to success as an entrepreneur is rarely smooth or predictable. There will be times when you’re exhausted, over-worked, and completely overwhelmed. In these instances, ‘mind over matter’ matters! Here’s a quick look at the many benefits of adopting and nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset. Learn from failure [...]

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