14 09, 2018

What can you do with R40 and a bunch of Spinach? Ask The Spinach King

2018-09-14T10:25:09+02:00September 14th, 2018|Articles for Teens|

What do you see? Perhaps you are down-and-out and clinging to the last cash you've got. The question is what do you see? Do you see yourself forsaken and on the verge of being overwhelmed? Do you see yourself giving in to suicidal tendencies and substance abuse at the prospects of being broke? Or do [...]

14 09, 2018

Being the new kid on the block isn’t easy – reach out

2018-09-14T10:36:00+02:00September 14th, 2018|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

If only I had a mentor... These are often the sentiments of young people who long to look up to someone cool. Yet, what if you could be that mentor? Mentoring can start at any age. It is not limited by your height, race, religious beliefs or the lack thereof. Just by welcoming the new kid [...]

14 09, 2018

How to be taken seriously as a young entrepreneur

2018-09-14T06:44:25+02:00September 14th, 2018|Articles for Teens|

Being a young entrepreneur is not easy. On the one hand, you may feel like you've got this, but can often find yourself disregarded by sponsors and investors because they think you're just a child. So how do you get those around you to take you seriously? You might not believe these tips, but we [...]

14 08, 2018

Job shadowing: The missing link to propelling career development

2018-07-23T17:51:13+02:00August 14th, 2018|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Job shadowing is when you spend the workday with a professional following them to see what they do, how they do it and perhaps also getting involved as they permit. You become their "shadow" for that period of time. Here are some of the perks that come with job shadowing. Textbooks and all that gibberish [...]

24 07, 2018

Cape Talk chats about strategic interventions with our Director – On Air

2018-08-13T12:03:14+02:00July 24th, 2018|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, Partners|

Lydia Zingoni, Founder and Director of Teen Entrepreneur was recently interviewed by Cape Talk radio host, Kolosa Madikizela during the Overnight Live segment. The topic was on "youth making positive strides through entrepreneurship". According to Lydia, South Africa (SA) has a problem when it comes to entrepreneurship at large, especially teen entrepreneurship which, given the chance [...]

5 07, 2018

5 Life Survival Tips for Young People

2018-07-10T11:23:52+02:00July 5th, 2018|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

The transition from teenager to young adult can be a daunting one, but it’s oh so exciting as well. If you choose to move out, you’ll finally get some space and freedom to come and go as you please. However, that independence brings with it a whole raft of new responsibilities. There’ll be plenty for [...]

26 06, 2018

Do you have the qualities of a self-made millionaire? 

2018-06-11T10:20:14+02:00June 26th, 2018|Articles for Teens|

We dare you to take a look at your current bank balance and add a couple of zeros to it. Actually, add lots of zeros. This may probably be a stretch of imagination to most, but it is the reality of others. Forget dreaming about being a millionaire. While this is cool, South Africans are [...]

12 06, 2018

How to find inspiration and share it

2018-06-25T12:54:06+02:00June 12th, 2018|Articles for Teens|

We all give up along the way. Some persevere, linger for a while then fade away before the finish line. Others dare to find inspiration to keep them going against all odds. Inspiration – be it a sudden aha lightbulb moment – or the process of digging in deep to get much needed mental stimulation to do [...]

14 05, 2018

No More Boring Lunches: 5 Lunch Ideas

2018-05-14T07:33:09+02:00May 14th, 2018|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens|

Are you stuck in a sandwich rut? Many of us eat two slices of bread for lunch every single day filled with boring pieces of cheese and the odd limp slice of tomato. Well, banish those tedious midday meals, there are so many more exciting things you can eat to see you through the afternoon. [...]

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