13 05, 2021

Eco business ideas for green entrepreneurs

2021-05-03T20:16:26+02:00May 13th, 2021|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Do you want to be a green entrepreneur? An eco-business is a fantastic way to do your bit to protect the environment, while also making a profit! A green business can come in many forms. It may be directly related to protecting the environment, such as recycling or upcycling. Or it may be indirectly related [...]

22 02, 2021

Test out your entrepreneurial skills in 2021 with 15 side hustle ideas

2021-02-08T15:05:01+02:00February 22nd, 2021|How To Articles|

Need an idea for a small business? We’ve got 15 side hustle ideas for young entrepreneurs that you can use to make some extra cash during 2021. Virtual assistant Lots of small businesses don’t have the budget for a full-time admin person, but they all have admin that needs to be taken care of! Electronics [...]

15 02, 2021

Should you be considering Computer Applications Technology – CAT?

2021-02-08T07:51:01+02:00February 15th, 2021|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

If you’re in Grade 9 this year, you’ll have big decisions to make regarding the remaining years of your high school experience, as well as your future career. You’ll soon be choosing your subjects for your senior years, and the choice is so much more important than you might think. After all, the subjects that [...]

23 12, 2020

It’s holiday time – how to enjoy safely

2020-12-22T10:23:57+02:00December 23rd, 2020|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

It's holiday time but the festive season is a little different this year thanks to Coronavirus. With social distancing, and now a revert to stricter SA lockdown rules, you may be feeling like your holidays have been totally ruined! Not so - you can still enjoy Christmas and New Year even though you won’t be [...]

3 12, 2020

Learn and Earn: Everything You Need to Know about TSiRU

2020-12-02T15:51:43+02:00December 3rd, 2020|How To Articles|

Do you really need another reason to boost your entrepreneurial skills at a young age? Regardless, now you have one! The new SA Teen Entrepreneur free online learning academy deals in the virtual currency known as TSiRU, which makes it possible for you to learn and earn as you go. Here’s what you need to [...]

10 11, 2020

Is a business plan essential to starting a business?  

2020-10-30T11:56:09+02:00November 10th, 2020|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Thinking of starting a business? If so, you will have probably been told to craft a comprehensive business plan. The question is, how important is a business plan really? And what should a good quality business plan include? We investigate below. Is a business plan actually that important? In short, yes. A business plan acts [...]

19 10, 2020

Our new digital academy – free online entrepreneurship learning!

2020-10-07T12:37:16+02:00October 19th, 2020|How To Articles|

After all the talk, it’s finally arrived! Our free online entrepreneurship learning academy program has gone live, and students all over South Africa can access it from our Teen Entrepreneur website right here. Free online training for budding entrepreneurs If we’ve learned anything from 2020, it’s that digital training is the way of the future. [...]

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