30 01, 2019

TSIBA Business School still accepting students for 2019

2019-01-30T16:19:41+02:00January 30th, 2019|Articles for Teens, General|

UCT, Wits, Stellenbosch and UWC are full and their doors are firmly closed. So what happens to the thousands of students with Bachelor Pass matrics whose dreams rely on a place at university for a sound future? TSIBA Business School, registered and accredited with the Department of Higher Education and Training, provides its students [...]

17 12, 2018

Have your say on our entrepreneurial themes for 2019

2018-12-12T14:34:42+02:00December 17th, 2018|General|

Teen entrepreneurs know that things don’t just happen. Well, they could. However, why wait and cross your fingers when you can steer, motivate and alter destiny in your favour. We’re in the business of chiselling out the future we envision, and it is against this end that we’ve purposefully identified specific themes to tackle in [...]

7 08, 2018

We need help to change lives and promote a society?

2018-07-23T17:48:25+02:00August 7th, 2018|Articles for Parents, General|

When the strength of the elders is gone, it is the youth of today who will usher this land into competitive economies and be the creators of world changing innovative ideas. The seeds of wisdom and empowerment we plant today are the very forests that will cover us tomorrow. We need the ones who will [...]

15 12, 2017

Holiday time – what you want to do and what you should be doing!

2017-12-14T12:13:37+02:00December 15th, 2017|General|

Gobble up munchies (eat). Shower. Party. Sleep. Repeat. Repeat. Seriously now; repeat. That's the schedule of many teens the world over when it comes to the long school holidays this time of the year. It is seen as the time to let your hair down, slip on something super comfy and get down to the [...]

27 03, 2017

SA Teen Entrepreneurs Make Us Proud at the Sage Summit 2017

2017-03-27T09:49:31+02:00March 27th, 2017|General|

The Sage Summit is an anticipated yearly training, learning and networking event for business owners across the country. It provides entrepreneurs, both young and old, with the opportunity to talk to other experts, preview new technology (software, apps etc.), get inspired and expand their networks. Basically, it’s where one will find everything necessary in order [...]

6 03, 2017

How Online Learning is Transforming South Africa

2017-02-17T08:59:26+02:00March 6th, 2017|Articles for Teens, General|

One of the biggest problems in terms of development within South Africa has been a lack of education, or access to learning. Thankfully, as technology has continued to advance, online learning is quickly becoming a long-term solution to this persistent problem. The internet is chockfull of information and provides keen minds with the chance to [...]

13 02, 2017

Teachers and Principals – It’s Time to Do Your Part!

2017-02-17T08:53:18+02:00February 13th, 2017|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General, Home|

As teachers and principals, the youth of today and entrepreneurs of tomorrow are in your hands. You hold the key to their futures and it is up to you to do everything you possibly can in order to inspire, motivate and mentor these leaders of the future! South Africa is home to so much potential [...]

11 02, 2016

Meet Ed

2017-02-02T12:35:40+02:00February 11th, 2016|General, Home, Uncategorized|

Ed Fry isn’t necessarily your typical teenager. Sure he’s full of passion (those hormones!) with a seriously cool haircut. Where the mould shatters is the fact that he started his first business at 14 followed by a start-up web business. Make no mistake, Ed is not a nerd using the web to bust-out; he’s a [...]

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