26 October 2013
This workshop is a fundamental step in unpacking each child’s abilities, talents, skills, vision, dreams which can then be harnessed into business ideas for each.
What will it cover?
• Sources of business ideas
• Harnessing your talents, skills, fears, and frustrations for business gain
• Pulling ideas from your aspirations for financial gain
• Leveraging on existing ideas
• Re-inventing and re-engineering
Expected outcomes
• Ability to think independently
• Ability to view one’s environment with a new pair of eyes
• Ability to see gaps in the market and come up with business ideas
• Ability to re-evaluate one’s talents, skills, fears, frustrations for financial gain
How much will it cost?
R100 per child (R50 sponsorship and R50 registration fees) which will include free entry and tour of the Science Centre (formerly MTN Science Centre)
Who should attend?
Teenagers from 12-19 years (bookings through school in groups of 30 or more)
School Bookings: Nadia.snyders@teenentrepreneur.co.za or call 021 447 6183