About Candice Winterboer

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So far Candice Winterboer has created 234 blog entries.
18 05, 2016

Simple guide to cashing in on your hobby

2017-02-02T12:35:38+02:00May 18th, 2016|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Many can answer the question of what their hobbies are, but when it comes down to coming up with a million-rand business idea, brain-freeze often creeps in. What if the two did not need to be apart and you could cash in on that very thing that you so dearly love and regard as a [...]

14 04, 2016

Teen Entrepreneurs – everything or nothing

2017-02-02T12:35:38+02:00April 14th, 2016|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

When no one dares to believe in your start-up business idea and it seems like even legislation has conspired against you… Do you have the staying power to press on even after being written out? Teen entrepreneurs who make it big are the ones who manage to harness some sort of dynamite energy within them. [...]

7 04, 2016

Bright sparks shine brighter at Idea Café sessions

2016-03-21T08:39:18+02:00April 7th, 2016|Articles for Teens, Projects, Workshops|

Do you think you have what it takes to think your way to the top? We’re not talking about opening a spaza shop on the corner, or shining shoes at a parking lot (not that we’re hating), but what we are gracefully trying to ask is do you have a life-changing, money making, community uplifting [...]

31 03, 2016

High School Entrepreneur Clubs/Societies

2016-03-21T08:36:44+02:00March 31st, 2016|Articles for Teens, Projects, Workshops|

By now you may have picked up on the trendy phrase “High School Entrepreneur Clubs/Societies”. Not only are these societies setting social media abuzz, but young people are being empowered to own the entrepreneurial space for themselves. It is about the fun of joining in with like-minded cool ‘peeps on the move and learning how [...]

24 03, 2016

Parent mobilises entrepreneurial high school societies

2016-03-21T08:33:58+02:00March 24th, 2016|Articles for Parents, Partners, Projects, Workshops|

What will you do to protect your children? Everything. What will it take to prepare your teens to be financially independent entrepreneurs? Whatever is required! When will the change commence and who will propel it? Only you as a parent can answer that question. South Africa’s unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2015 surged [...]

17 03, 2016

The House That Jack, Jill or Thabile Built : How to Write a Business Plan

2016-01-13T07:55:58+02:00March 17th, 2016|Articles for Teens, Home, How To Articles|

This is your how-to down-lo on the what, the where, the why and the how of your business plan before you dive in. So find a sunny spot. Grab a notebook. Have an open mind and get writing (if you need to do research on some answers, that’s cool too). Lets’ get going by answering [...]

10 03, 2016

Reel Gardening for Real

2017-02-02T12:35:39+02:00March 10th, 2016|Articles for Teens, Home, How To Articles|

Talk about growing your business and at such a young fruitful and tender age before blossoming into an adult! Enough with the word play over-kill! Meet this cool cucumber (I promise that’s the last!) - Claire Reid, an ex-St Teresas Mercy School student who invented Reel Gardening at the age of 16. Bored one holiday [...]

3 03, 2016

You Can’t Just ‘Gooi’!

2016-01-13T07:56:11+02:00March 3rd, 2016|Articles for Teens, Home, How To Articles|

So how come my wonderfully creative idea now needs to be tweaked and fiddled with? I’m sure it’s gonna be a hit. I dig it, others will too, I just wanna get going. Gooi : South African slang for ‘to do something with no thought for the consequences/to go in blind’ Easy tiger! While enthusiasm [...]

1 03, 2016

Young entrepreneurs you just have to know

2016-02-03T13:53:54+02:00March 1st, 2016|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Most of us are familiar with the name Mark Zuckerberg, one of the wealthiest people in the world who started Facebook when he was a young college student. If, on the other hand you are more of a music fundi – a Justin Bieber (or rather a Bielieber) fan – you will know him for [...]

25 02, 2016

Why are teens perfectly poised to start a business?

2016-01-13T07:56:16+02:00February 25th, 2016|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, Home|

Forget the cliché, all teenagers are the same. They all want to check their Facebook status all day, watch TV and snapchat their buds. Not so fast. In fact, four in 10 people between the ages of eight and 21 dream of starting their own businesses one day, according to a survey conducted by Harris [...]

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