About Candice Winterboer

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So far Candice Winterboer has created 234 blog entries.
5 08, 2016

How to make money on social media

2017-02-02T12:35:37+02:00August 5th, 2016|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You-Tube; chances are you have a social media account and/or know someone who does. Teens are notorious for spending extended periods of time online, checking and updating statuses, commenting, tagging and everything in between. What if, rather than just lingering online, you could cash in on your social media? Here are our [...]

29 07, 2016

Top 3 yucky teen inventions

2016-07-22T07:18:09+02:00July 29th, 2016|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; if you think teen entrepreneurship is limited to lemonade stands, then you are completely in the dark. Teen entrepreneurs are rising to convert trash, poop and even pee into cash. These inventions are from ordinary teens like you, in Africa and other continents, who dared to [...]

22 07, 2016

Mandela Day has been and gone, what comes next?

2016-07-22T07:20:21+02:00July 22nd, 2016|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens|

There is life outside South Africa. Rest assured, Mzansi (South Africa) is home and the pulse of who we are. Virtues of tolerance from living in a Rainbow Nation with 11 official languages and yet one voice, make those who call this land home, a people matched to no other. Yet as an aspiring teen [...]

29 06, 2016

The rise of the African youth entrepreneur

2017-02-02T12:35:37+02:00June 29th, 2016|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles|

Regardless of your age, where you live or even which school you attend, at one point or another you will have heard about Mark Shuttleworth, the South African entrepreneur who ventured into space. The question though is how much do you actually know about his success in business? Did you know for example that Shuttleworth [...]

24 06, 2016

Mission Possible – #TeenBoss Ignition

2017-02-02T12:35:37+02:00June 24th, 2016|Articles for Teens, Uncategorized, Upcoming Workshops|

There’s something about being a boss that calls for a degree of respect from peers and even older folks, but understand that respect is earned and not guaranteed. It’s got nothing to do with age or structural hierarchy. A “natural” boss is someone who inspires and instills confidence in others, instinctively. Being the leader comes [...]

22 06, 2016

A countdown to the Top 5 strange businesses (you didn’t know exist)

2017-02-02T12:35:37+02:00June 22nd, 2016|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

As a young entrepreneur in the making, it is unlikely that you will have escaped the often heard and repeated advice that “entrepreneurs need to spot a gap and come up with innovative creative solutions”. There’s so much more to youth entrepreneurship though than lemonade stands, dog walking services and car washing! Make no mistake, [...]

15 06, 2016

The perks of being your own #TeenBoss

2016-06-23T12:10:04+02:00June 15th, 2016|Articles for Teens, Uncategorized|

We could tell you that South Africa has one of the highest numbers of youth unemployment in the world, but chances are you’ve already figured that out. There's something brave that just can't be ignored about youth. We commemorate June as Youth Month to honour a generation of youth who arose 40 years ago to call for a [...]

10 06, 2016

Top 7 inspirational quotes every teen entrepreneur should live by

2016-05-13T13:59:33+02:00June 10th, 2016|Articles for Teens|

There comes a time when you need to motivate yourself from the inside out. Sometimes in the journey of becoming a successful teen entrepreneur, you must resuscitate yourself in the midnight hour. You may need to amputate friendships, harmful addictions and activities that kill your innovation. Make no mistake, it is not an easy route [...]

27 05, 2016

So you’ve got a startup – what’s next?

2017-02-02T12:35:38+02:00May 27th, 2016|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

Nothing hurts like talking to yourself about your awesome startup. Teens can come up with the most innovative and creative entrepreneurial ideas, implement them and start something significant, but many forget that it takes effort (and a marketing strategy) to spread the word. You trade your social life for this dream, do due diligence, work [...]

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