Name and Surname: ntando madonsela
Business: SineWami pty ltd

Tell us about your business?

SineWami is currently a poultry business,we buy chicks and grow them then sell them in the community at a reasonable price

What inspired your entrepreneurial activities?

My inspiration for enterprenuerial activities was being able to start something that would help a community and at the same time make me responsible

What are the biggest challenges you face in your business?

We dont have stable place to grow the chicks into chicken,currently we are keeping them in a shack in our back yard

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

We have a big vision to be having a poultry farm in the next 5 years that would create employment for the people in our community because we believe its all about empowering our own people

How can customers contact you?

Customers can contact us on the following