Name and Surname: kayla Brown
Business: SeeMeeSA

Tell us about your business?

SeeMeeSA is a not just a business, its an awareness Campaign. The SeeMeeSA campaign is a drive aimed at inspiring road users to take responsibility for their visibility on the roads. I design and locally manufacture high visibility gear for horses and riders, and other road users.
I hope that in time I will be able to establish a supply or distribution channel for visibility gear for pedestrians. along with the campaign we can educated people about the dangers to pedestrians of poor viability.

What inspired your entrepreneurial activities?

Horse Riding is my greatest passion. In 2021 I started high school Cape Town.
The Cape offers great outdoor activities but I soon I noticed that the visibility of riders, runners and pedestrians is very poor in the early evenings and dark mornings.
After hearing of some terrible accidents due to this issue, I decided to develop the SeeMeeSA visibility campaign. SeeMeeSA is trying to create an awareness of road user safety through visibility awareness. I started by designing and producing high visibility reflective gear for horses and riders. I hope to expand into runner and pedestrian gear soon.

What are the biggest challenges you face in your business?

Exposure. As a learner in school, I struggle to find time between studying and school to market my business. As a young person, its also hard to get people to take my business seriously.
My campaign is struggling to gather support, because its seems juvenile to many, just the ideals of a kid. Without respected support I cant push this campaign to be a catalyst for a change in attitude and awareness.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I want to expand the SeeMeeSA range to cyclists, runners, hikers, but also to the general pedestrian on the road. I want to blend the idea of visibility and fashion be creating gear that is convenient and even fashionable. In 5 years I want every person who steps onto the road think “Be Seen…..SeeMee”. In 5 years I want the SeeMeeSA brand to be locally recognised brand, that’s viewed as trendy, necessary and functional.
In 5 years, I want to be the person who changed something for the better.

How can customers contact you?

SeeMeeSA has a website Its new and limited, but its work in progress. I have a facebook page SeeMee, and instagram SeeMeeSA. Best way to contact me is via email, or phone 079 4909602, which my mom answers when Im at school.
