Name and Surname: Tlou Lebogang Molele
Business: Nuts & Biscuits

Tell us about your business?

I’m selling peanuts and biscuits at school.

What inspired your entrepreneurial activities?

I was inspired by my friend who was struggling with money to buy need,so she’s started like it not serious until it helped her.So I experienced the same thing of struggling with needs,so I decided to sell peanuts and biscuits and I’m no longer struggling like before.

What are the biggest challenges you face in your business?

People who make debts,
People who sell the same things I’m selling

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself as a midwife. Being a midwife had become my biggest dream since I become mature.And I believe that this will happen.

How can customers contact you?

Facebook: Itz Destiny Molele
WhatsApp/phone call or SMS: 0796184885