

Young entrepreneur, a female ‘Popeye’ farmer from Kayelitsha is helping her community thrive!

According to the cartoon, spinach makes Popeye strong. Maybe in South Africa, Swiss chard makes you even stronger? This certainly seems to be the case for 27-year-old Ncumisa Mkabile, a [...]

August 3rd, 2020|Categories: Articles for Teens|Tags: , , |

Entrepreneurship during COVID-19 – Businesses that defied the odds

How do you keep a small business alive during the coronavirus pandemic? By being innovative and pivoting your products and services to keep up with the new normal. Entrepreneurship during [...]

July 7th, 2020|Categories: Featured Articles|Tags: , |

Networking – Why entrepreneurs must network with people, and machines

They say networking is not for everybody. That it's a gift you have or don't have. They say so long as you can interact with your peers and people in [...]

7 things to consider in preparing for a post-Covid world

The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly disrupted life as we know it. Crucially, it is disproportionately affecting our youth and driving up our already dire youth unemployment rate. South Africa’s future relies on the collective contribution that our youth are going to make to business and society...

June 16th, 2020|Categories: Articles for Teens|Tags: , , , |

This Is Why You Should Invest In Gold As An Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur you probably already have your head screwed on right and know a thing or two about business and finances. You will have written out a business plan before starting out in the business world, or barring that, you will have created a discernible outline of how you would like to run your business as it starts up.

June 5th, 2020|Categories: Articles for Teens|Tags: , , , |

Kids Can Be Entrepreneurs Too!! (Pay Attention School Administrators)

In this post, I am going to bring that point to life with a case study on Brendan Cox, a 19-year-old entrepreneur I recently met, that has founded 10 different successful businesses to date, which collectively grew his $900 loan from his mother into $250,000 of profits today.

May 18th, 2020|Categories: Articles for Teens|Tags: , , , |

Fast-acting, socially conscious startups can benefit during a crisis 

COVID-19 is changing the world as we know it. Schools, universities, workplaces, restaurants, hotels and churches have been closed, and socially constructed norms are being challenged like never before. Suddenly [...]

April 7th, 2020|Categories: How To Articles|Tags: , , |
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