9 12, 2021

Simple Steps to Teen Entrepreneurship |

2021-12-17T07:37:44+02:00December 9th, 2021|Articles for Teens, General, How To Articles, Uncategorized|

12 Simple Steps to Teen Entrepreneurship Do you have brilliant ideas that could shape your community and even change the world, or are your entrepreneurial ambitions solely based on making a good living for your family? Either way, your journey as an entrepreneur takes place one step at a time. The steps to teen entrepreneurship [...]

23 06, 2020

Networking – Why entrepreneurs must network with people, and machines

2020-06-23T13:57:26+02:00June 23rd, 2020|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles|

They say networking is not for everybody. That it's a gift you have or don't have. They say so long as you can interact with your peers and people in general, you're okay. What they often don't tell you is that networking gets easier and better with practice and living in a world where artificial [...]

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