Confidence – How to pitch an idea
We all know them; that English, LO or Biology teacher who uses comical gestures, weird voices and popping eyelids to get us to remember Shakespearean phrases and rather crude parts of our bodies. They make for great extended lunch break conversations and potentially viral Gifs (those funny little videos you share [...]
Top 25 ways to making your first R1
Many teens, leaders and parents come to this platform in search of advice on entrepreneurship and practical ways in which to make money. One question we often get in the feedback sessions at our many initiatives, is that after all the training, all the motivation and ideas; how do you [...]
Connor vs McGregor – the biggest fight ever gives hope to many
There’s something refreshing about refining your skills to the extent that you are the very best. Your gift, when polished, will bring you before kings, captains of industry and the world at large. At the end of August 2017, the world assembled to watch the much anticipated fight between "Connor [...]
Where to from here? Skills based learning or a degree
Regardless of your gender, financial status, geographical divide, physical limitations and hereditary background; there is something inside of you that is whole. You are YOU - complete. Lacking nothing. It is so easy to get taken aback with popular culture which dictates the career path for the masses or a [...]
Fabulously South African flagship female entrepreneurs – how to follow in their footsteps
At Teen Entrepreneur we don’t need Women’s Month (August) or Female Founders Month (May) to acknowledge the role of women in entrepreneurship. While we celebrate and encourage everyone to make positive change in the entrepreneurial sphere, we also play our bit in mobilising marginalised groups, such as disadvantaged, women and children. Here [...]
Best business startup ideas for the modern day entrepreneur
What are you naturally inclined to, to the extent that you would consider doing it even without getting paid? Passion, detail and solutions; those are the must-haves for any prospective modern day entrepreneur. Here are 6 business startup ideas to get you started on your entrepreneurial journey. Social media management We [...]