Teen Entrepreneur is thrilled to announce the launch of our new free online learn and earn academy programme, which can be accessed via www.teenentrepreneur.co.za. The great news is that we are not the only ones who are excited about it. Our budding teen entrepreneurs and a host of local corporates are just as enthusiastic about getting it off the ground.

How our learn and earn programme works

We have uploaded a total of 10 insightful modules aimed at teaching aspiring young entrepreneurs how to start and nurture a business of their very own. Teens can complete these modules at their own pace.

Along with taking newfound knowledge away from the experience, teens will also earn as they learn! The academy deals in a digital currency called ‘TSIRU’ – derived from a Nguni-based word for ‘milking a cow’. In other words, making the most of every last drop. Our participants will earn 10 ‘TSIRU’ for every module that they complete, culminating in 100 TSIRU in total (equating to R100).

Teens’ earned TSIRU can be traded for a variety of amazing prizes via our online shop or at any one of our participating corporate partners.

Corporates jump at the chance to get involved

We have been overwhelmed by the response received from local corporates regarding our ‘Learn and Earn’ rewards system to encourage entrepreneurial learning amongst our youth. Shoprite and several other potential collaborators are eager to get on board with the prospect of partnering and stocking credits of the currency backed by redeemable goods and services in their shops and their partners.

If any other local businesses or retailers are interested in participating, please get in touch with founder and Director of Teen Entrepreneur, Lydia Zingoni on 082 907 0739 or email her at zingonil@teenentrepreneur.co.za.

Learners are encouraged to visit the academy and sign up ASAP to start benefitting from our carefully constructed modules and to kick start your TSIRU! Credits!

Since the platform is still in its infancy stages, please do make use of the ‘Bug Report’ menu option to fill in a quick questionnaire and let us know if you experience any problems as you go. We are dedicated to perfecting the platform in every possible way. Enjoy!