20 03, 2014

Local is Lekka : Cape Town Outshines the rest

2017-02-02T12:35:43+02:00March 20th, 2014|General, Home, How To Articles|

Is it the sea air or the ‘weave your own clobber’ badge of cool?  Or could it be the mountains that like make me just wanna climb bru”.  Here’s the thing - where you aware that Cape Town has the auspicious title of most entrepreneurial city in South Africa? With Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Activity (referring to [...]

9 03, 2014

Keeping it Real

2017-02-02T12:35:43+02:00March 9th, 2014|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, General, How To Articles|

This blog could go on and on about all things entrepreneurial (it’s our favourite subject!) but not offer you the nitty gritty; the meat and gravy; the down and dirty.  One of our key objectives is to offer you the teenager, the parent or the educator a “How To” platform that you can refer to [...]

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