About Teen Entrepreneur

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So far Teen Entrepreneur has created 147 blog entries.
16 06, 2020

7 things to consider in preparing for a post-Covid world

2020-06-18T10:04:57+02:00June 16th, 2020|Articles for Teens|

The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly disrupted life as we know it. Crucially, it is disproportionately affecting our youth and driving up our already dire youth unemployment rate. South Africa’s future relies on the collective contribution that our youth are going to make to business and society...

5 06, 2020

This Is Why You Should Invest In Gold As An Entrepreneur

2020-06-05T14:57:20+02:00June 5th, 2020|Articles for Teens|

As an entrepreneur you probably already have your head screwed on right and know a thing or two about business and finances. You will have written out a business plan before starting out in the business world, or barring that, you will have created a discernible outline of how you would like to run your business as it starts up.

18 05, 2020

Kids Can Be Entrepreneurs Too!! (Pay Attention School Administrators)

2020-05-18T10:45:06+02:00May 18th, 2020|Articles for Teens|

In this post, I am going to bring that point to life with a case study on Brendan Cox, a 19-year-old entrepreneur I recently met, that has founded 10 different successful businesses to date, which collectively grew his $900 loan from his mother into $250,000 of profits today.

28 12, 2019

Why Cyber Security Needs to be a Priority in 2020

2020-01-06T14:25:48+02:00December 28th, 2019|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General, How To Articles|

As we approach the new year, technology seems to be playing an increasingly large part in our lives, and we see this in business as well. Our demands on technology become greater every year and our reliance on computers continues to grow. Because of this, protecting yourself from online threats is more important than ever, [...]

12 11, 2019

Top Tips For New Entrepreneurs

2021-04-29T17:28:13+02:00November 12th, 2019|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General|

Every entrepreneur has to start somewhere and launching your first business venture can be an exciting time. It can also be daunting as you will be desperate for the company to succeed but not yet have any experience under your belt. You are sure to learn many lessons along the way but it is important [...]

7 10, 2019

How to Build and Protect Your Brand

2019-10-07T10:34:57+02:00October 7th, 2019|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General, How To Articles|

As a young entrepreneur, you might be more interested in building your product and making cash than thinking about the development and protection of your brand. But, if you want to sustain true longevity in your brand’s development, you need to see it go forth and inspire people to interact with your company in the [...]

4 10, 2019

How to Get Taken Seriously as a Young Entrepreneur

2021-04-29T17:28:39+02:00October 4th, 2019|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General, How To Articles|

When you’re young, no matter how good your start-up idea is, there are bound to be investors who will be dismissive simply because of your age. While you might not have the life experience of older entrepreneurs who’ve been through university and worked for big companies for a few years, your youthful energy and forward-thinking [...]

17 09, 2019

Software to Inspire Your Start Up

2019-09-17T08:55:20+02:00September 17th, 2019|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General|

There are many different elements involved in running a start-up business, and initially all of the different responsibilities and roles which need to be accounted for can seem a bit daunting. Thankfully, there has never been a better time to progress with an innovative business idea than in 2019, due to all of the new [...]

9 09, 2019

Building a Website for Your New Start-Up – What You Should Know About Hosting Sites

2021-04-29T17:28:54+02:00September 9th, 2019|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General|

As a budding teen entrepreneur, it can be a rather daunting road ahead of you. It’s tough enough for adults to take that leap and create their own business and brand, but for teens there can be those extra challenges that go along with age and the lack of experience in the real-world. While that [...]

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