NOW is the time for youth entrepreneurship

South Africa relies on entrepreneurs and their unique business ideas to boost the economy, as well as to help alleviate the unemployment crisis.

The statistics speak for themselves, with youth unemployment rising to a staggering 64,4% of those aged 15-24 and 42,9% of those between 25-34 in the first quarter of 2021. In short, almost half of South Africa’s youth don’t have work and, therefore, don’t have an income.

The question is, why go out and look for a job when you can create one for yourself and, hopefully, for a handful of others in the near future, too? Experts are calling on young entrepreneurs to take control and make it happen, stating that NOW is the time for youth entrepreneurship.

After all, we live in the digital age and what better way to embrace and capitalise on it than by empowering the young, tech-savvy South Africans to take charge and put their skills and knowledge to good use?

There has never been a better time to invest in our youth

The great news is that many companies, governmental organisations, and private investors are jumping on the bandwagon to provide South Africa’s youth with the means and support necessary to make an impact and start their own thriving businesses.

They see and acknowledge the inspiring determination and resilience of our youth, micro-entrepreneurs with countless impressive business ideas that are quickly coming to the fore.

They have seen how youth-powered fashion brand Maxhosa Africa moved from a brick-and-mortar store to e-commerce, and how the grocery delivery service, was founded in a time of need. They have also witnessed the launch of Zuluish, a dream of one young man who realised he could help residents in townships and rural areas by creating a kettle that consumes up to 75% less electricity.

As we witness young entrepreneurs rising to the challenge to create a better life for themselves and all South Africans, it’s time to accept that we are looking at our next generation of leaders. We need to understand that an investment today into our youth is a sustainable investment for our future.

Step up and get started

SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation is a registered NPO Trust. The vision of the foundation is to cultivate and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in all our teenagers through seminars, workshops, conferences, and exhibitions. We are forever in need of funding assist us in our efforts to empower our youth and your donations are always greatly received.

However, if you are a young South African with dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and seeing your business grow from strength to strength? Having access to the right tools and support can help to streamline the journey. Be sure to sign up to learn to earn via SA Teen Entrepreneur’s FREE online academy and work your way through the modules at your own pace. Good luck!