Name and Surname: Tokelo Satekge
Business: Student Leadership Accountability Network

Tell us about your business?

Our organisation is focused on Finding our Student leaders and school’s accountability by advocating for change in the way schools elect their RCL and fighting for change, making sure Student voices are heard regardless of gender, age and Sexual identity. We advocate for change at all times

What inspired your entrepreneurial activities?

The gap in student leadership and the mental health issues teens get from not being heard and the results that come with that, which are very horrible, we couldn’t sit back and watch our peers suffer when we can do something about it

What are the biggest challenges you face in your business?

We do not get any funding and we have spent some of our own money on printing and trips to summits. Which is draining. We also do not have enough money to start our own website and pay for a professional email account

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Expanding into universities and having achieved a student parliament in all schools to give students a voice

How can customers contact you?

WhatsApp: Tokelo Satekge Founder – 078 353 2362

Student Leadership Accountability Network