Shaping the Power of Entrepreneurship
The onus is currently on parents and teachers to unleash the potential of ambitious, young entrepreneurs. These dedicated individuals are key to rebuilding our country’s struggling economy and restoring hope to the hearts of local communities. However, while parents and teachers play a substantial role in moulding the youth for [...]
Teachers: Every Nation’s Unsung Heroes
Teachers are the most important resources of every nation. Ultimately, they hold more than just the power to inspire individual students – they hold the power to uplift and rebuild an entire country. With South Africa's unemployment rate continuing to sky-rocket, and our economy dipping in the opposite direction, our [...]
Being Mindful of Mindfulness
You may have heard the term ‘mindfulness’ being thrown around by now. It is, after all, the most prominent trend and buzzword in the world of psychology, health, and wellness at the moment. The question is, what does mindfulness actually mean? And how can being more mindful help you in [...]
Young entrepreneurs pay it forward – Here’s how!
Fact or fiction? One day, when I grow up, I will pay it forward. Well, the answer is in your hands already. As a budding entrepreneur, you can decide if you want to gift others who are merely getting by, now or later or both. Forget the socially established notion [...]
What is your 20/20 vision – setting your goals
We understand all too well about New Year resolutions and setting personal goals. It’s almost a predictable topic of discussion at this time of the year. However, like phases, if truth be told, the hype often doesn’t last long, and the goals get swept away with the passing of time [...]
Encouraging entrepreneurship at school
As 2019 comes to a close, it becomes evident how the current state of the South African economy has worsened the already high levels of unemployment. The unemployment level has continued to climb and, unfortunately, it is our youth which is the demographic group that has been dealt the hardest [...]