Are you stuck in a sandwich rut? Many of us eat two slices of bread for lunch every single day filled with boring pieces of cheese and the odd limp slice of tomato. Well, banish those tedious midday meals, there are so many more exciting things you can eat to see you through the afternoon. Here are five lunch-time alternatives to the sandwich that’ll get you excited about food once more. The great thing about exciting lunches is you can prepare them in advance, so eating well doesn’t need to mean eating into your day. Make yourself a tasty salad or pasta the night before you and all you’ll need to do come lunch time is know how to remove ketchup from clothes!

  1. Mediterranean salad with feta
    A Mediterranean diet is one of the most healthy in the world, and luckily their salads are also some of the tastiest. For a classic greek salad, mix chopped cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, black olives and small chunks of feta cheese. Don’t forget to dress it with a drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of  salt and a splash of balsamic vinegar.
  2. Fish-finger and mashed pea wraps
    How about a modern twist on the tradition English fish and chips? Grill 3-4 fish fingers, let them cool then place inside a wholemeal wrap. In a separate dish microwave peas or petit pois until defrosted then blend with an electric blender adding a little mayonnaise, salt and mint (if you have it). Spread the mashed peas on top of the fish fingers, and then wrap up. Serve with tasty tomato ketchup on the side. And in case you need it click here to find out how to remove ketchup from clothes.
  3. Simple tomato pasta – add your leftovers
    This is a great dish as it serves as a base to add any leftovers from dinner last night. Most things added to tomato pasta taste good. Simply boil fresh or dried pasta in a pan and pour on a shop-bought or homemade sauce; we recommend homemade because it’s super simple and a lot healthier. Then top with whatever else you have in your kitchen – cheese, veg, meat… anything goes!
  4. Couscous with roasted or grilled veg
    Couscous is an underrated grain, but once you get into it there’s no going back. The best thing about couscous is how easy it is to make – simply put your desired amount into a bowl and pour over hot water. Then add delicious roasted or grilled veg before seasoning to taste. You can eat it hot or cold and it will taste just as great either way.
  5. Roasted sweet potato with tuna, spinach and seeds
    Finally, you could try an upmarket version of the humble jacket potato. Opt for sweet potato instead, but prepare it as you would a traditional jacket. Then add tuna mayonnaise, fresh spinach and top with seeds that have been dry toasted in a frying pan. Voila, a tasty meal with two of your five-a-day veggies!

Those are just a few simple ideas for lunch. There are loads more out there, so don’t get stuck in a sandwich rut. Experiment, cook and prepare to make lunch your best meal of the day.