Name and Surname: Mulweli Mugwefu
Business: M’s industries

Tell us about your business?

My business is called M’s industries, were problems are solve. Were we find a day to day problem and bring an innovative solution which can be sold in the market place in return for a profit. Problems in energy efficiency have been solved and the ideas have true potential. All ideas founded by M’s engineerings work and all problems we had questions to are now solved.

What inspired your entrepreneurial activities?

I grew up watching muvhango and how the characters in business were attracted me to toward that field.

What are the biggest challenges you face in your business?

Finance is a challenge we face .

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five 5 years M’s engineerings will have already launched the dream engine and the energy parlet

How can customers contact you?

My customers can call me on 0793562663 this number