23 07, 2019

How Technology is Vital in Every Industry

2019-07-23T12:11:54+02:00July 23rd, 2019|Articles for Teens, General|

Technology is a broad concept, but from the biggest international corporations to one-person start-ups across all sectors, every business relies on technology to succeed. Used well, technology can open up endless possibilities for growth, but used poorly; it can become an expensive complication which actually reduces a business’ efficiency. From your internal operations and communication [...]

9 04, 2019

Community Chest Launches Election Bursary Competition

2019-04-12T08:30:17+02:00April 9th, 2019|Articles for Parents, Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, General, Partners|

In the lead-up to the elections in May, Community Chest launches an Election Bursary Competition for the pre-election age group to provide them a chance to express their views on issues affecting the country and what changes they would like to see in the future. Given that the 15 – U18 age group is [...]

22 02, 2019

Shared characteristics of great entrepreneurs 

2019-02-05T11:40:20+02:00February 22nd, 2019|Articles for Teens|

Not all entrepreneurs are created the same. Some wither and give in at the slightest resistance. And yet, others reinvent themselves and come up stronger, even when counted out and left to wilt. What is it that separates ordinary entrepreneurs from the great ones? We'd like to think that it is these characteristics. Relentless Entrepreneurship [...]

11 02, 2019

Township Entrepreneurs – Lethabo Mokoena, Founder of Walk Fresh

2019-02-05T11:28:17+02:00February 11th, 2019|Articles for Teens|

It’s so inspirational to learn about other young entrepreneurs’ success. This month, we’re delving into Lethabo Mokoena’s story – a young Corporate Communications graduate from Daveyton. The Stepping Stones that Led to the Birth of Walk Fresh Lethabo obtained his Bachelor’s Degree at the University Of Johannesburg and, after spending a few years on campus, [...]

5 02, 2019

Be inspired – SA Teen entrepreneurs to watch 

2019-02-05T11:22:07+02:00February 5th, 2019|Articles for Teens|

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" This is a question often asked in schools. Society wires young minds into thinking that you become something when you grow up. There's an unspoken notion that one day, you will reach your dreams. Without saying it, it indirectly calls for a waiting period. Someday [...]

30 01, 2019

TSIBA Business School still accepting students for 2019

2019-01-30T16:19:41+02:00January 30th, 2019|Articles for Teens, General|

UCT, Wits, Stellenbosch and UWC are full and their doors are firmly closed. So what happens to the thousands of students with Bachelor Pass matrics whose dreams rely on a place at university for a sound future? TSIBA Business School, registered and accredited with the Department of Higher Education and Training, provides its students [...]

3 12, 2018

Entrepreneurial Spirit but Failing School? Here’s What You Need to Know

2018-11-12T07:31:03+02:00December 3rd, 2018|Articles for Teens|

Got the entrepreneurial spirit but not doing so well in school? Fear not. It is still possible to succeed… and it is still possible to get a degree. Here’s how. Create Structure and Routine Most students who aren’t achieving the marks that they hope to are struggling because their lives lack structure and routine. Time [...]

28 11, 2018

Inspiring and growing the next generation of farmers in South Africa

2018-11-28T14:35:40+02:00November 28th, 2018|Articles for Teens|

In order to work on future sustainability for farming in South Africa, there needs to be more encouragement from educational institutions as well as farming communities themselves to create a desire in the younger generation to start a long-term career in the industry. It is also important to convey the broad opportunities that exist in [...]

15 10, 2018

4 Do’s and don’ts to fight unemployment

2018-10-04T18:26:13+02:00October 15th, 2018|Articles for Teens, How To Articles|

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realise that unemployment is a problem in South Africa. You see the protests on TV and hear about it all the time in the speeches of leaders canvassing for votes. A quick drive in certain neighbourhoods portrays it; there are unemployed youth loitering all hours of [...]

2 10, 2018

Teen Start-up Success Stories

2018-10-04T18:16:40+02:00October 2nd, 2018|Articles for Teens|

If you, like many other ambitious young South Africans, have a dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur, sometimes all you need to get there is a sprinkle of inspiration and, of course, plenty of hard work. Let's start with the inspiration! Here's a look at some other teen entrepreneurs who have 'been there and done [...]

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