

Who or what is a green entrepreneur

You’ve heard about sustainable entrepreneurship - but what exactly is it, and who or what is a green entrepreneur? Is this type of entrepreneurship something that teens can get involved [...]

Should you be considering Computer Applications Technology – CAT?

If you’re in Grade 9 this year, you’ll have big decisions to make regarding the remaining years of your high school experience, as well as your future career. You’ll soon [...]

February 15th, 2021|Categories: Articles for Teens, How To Articles|Tags: , |

From digital learning to digital entrepreneurship – a library of difference

We know that literacy is a continuing challenge in South Africa. The ability to read is a vital skill, but so many South African children struggle to meet this important [...]

November 17th, 2020|Categories: Featured Articles|Tags: , , |

Is a business plan essential to starting a business?  

Thinking of starting a business? If so, you will have probably been told to craft a comprehensive business plan. The question is, how important is a business plan really? And [...]

Our new digital academy – free online entrepreneurship learning!

After all the talk, it’s finally arrived! Our free online entrepreneurship learning academy program has gone live, and students all over South Africa can access it from our Teen Entrepreneur [...]

October 19th, 2020|Categories: How To Articles|Tags: , , |

The key to successful online learning in a digital environment

Studying and learning over the internet is nothing new, but its advantages have really been highlighted during the coronavirus pandemic and global lockdown. Successful online learning, however, requires students to [...]

September 1st, 2020|Categories: How To Articles|Tags: , , |

A Guide to Future-Focused Business Planning

It’s all about living in the moment – until you start a business, that is. Planning for the future when you own a small business can help you to better [...]

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