Selling for teens
So you’re all fired up about the awesome new business idea you have? Fantastic! Once you decide what your business is all about and you are ready to start, you’ll [...]
Selling your skills – a great start in the business world!
Selling your skills? How is that a business?? If those are the thoughts in your head right now, you are normal! It looks weird when you read it on the [...]
Big business ideas
Sometimes we have great ideas that nobody else understands, or at least it seems that way! As a teen entrepreneur you could have loads of ideas every day, and that’s [...]
Planning: how to turn that dream into cash!
Teen entrepreneurs always start out with a big idea, maybe even a dream. Whether they started with an idea for a computer game, a website, a carwash or a snack [...]
So, you want to be a teen entrepreneur?
Are you dreaming of the day when you have your own business? Do you want to read about yourself in the news for all the right reasons? Think you have [...]
The Big Idea – Digging deeper
A wise friend once told me, when bashing my head against a brick wall determined to find the ‘big idea’, that I should write down all the things I love [...]
Creating a New Generation of Entrepreneurs
Instilling a culture of entrepreneurship in teenagers INTRODUCTION With such high unemployment among young people in South Africa, there is great need to rethink strategy. SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation was [...]
Become a Parentpreneur
Parents Membership program: As parents, mentors and support structures of the 18 millions we really need to be there to support them during these formative years. The spirit of entrepreneurship [...]
Become a Schoolpreneur
School Membership Program: With over 27,000 high schools in South Africa, and close to 16 million teenagers in these schools, it is important that all schools join the SA Teen [...]
Global Change Makers
Stop! Halt! Pull yourselves towards yourselves. All this teen talk is so fabulously focused but lets’ consider other points of view and approaches. Have you heard of a social entrepreneur? [...]
Inspiring Islam
14 and dealing with skin breakouts and girlfriends is one thing. Setting up a web design business and then ditching that to become a junior trader at 16 on the [...]