SA’s youth challenges can be solved through entrepreneurship
The first time I went to Khayelitsha was on a Sunday afternoon. I had spent the day lazing around, when a friend called to say he was going there to drop somebody off and asked if I wanted to tag along. In a heartbeat I said yes; it had been almost 3 years since I moved to Cape Town, and I had never been to this township that I had heard so much about.
Equal opportunities for the Youth of South Africa – How much has changed since 1994?
As I write this, I’m having a drink with my colleague Nick Owsley, a graduate with an Honours Degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of Cape Town. With Human Rights Day approaching I can’t help but think how fortunate our generation is. A mere 18 years ago, in South Africa it was regarded as breaking the law for a black person to have a drink with a white person in many watering holes – how far we have come since then.
From Intern to Employee – Azraa’s Journey
Intern mentor shares some tips for making an impact in your first job. Having started her working life as an intern herself, 22 year old Azraa Noah is living proof of the power of internships to kick-start a career.
Internships meet the needs of business and grads
Internships are becoming increasingly popular in the working world, both for graduates looking to gain working experience, and for businesses looking for more hands on deck. In this article, we share a story of IT company owner, Nirvesh Sooful of African Ideas, and GAP intern Mapaseka Dipale who are both benefiting from internship.
Local is Lekka : Cape Town Outshines the rest
Is it the sea air or the ‘weave your own clobber’ badge of cool? Or could it be the mountains that like make me just wanna climb bru”. Here’s the [...]
Finding the Fit
Deep breath … because this is certainly key to your entrepreneurial success story. So how does one go about identifying that fit? That niche market that favours your entrepreneurial spirit? [...]
Keeping it Real
This blog could go on and on about all things entrepreneurial (it’s our favourite subject!) but not offer you the nitty gritty; the meat and gravy; the down and dirty. [...]
Oh laaaaaaaawd won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
Agreed, I’m digging deep with this analogy but bear with me. Is it daddy’s responsibility to hand 16 year old Meg the Mercedes Benz on a silver platter aka ‘My [...]
Smart Thinking for Crazy Times!
If you get light headed when it comes to profound Latin translations then you may want to take a seat. ‘Primus Inter Pares’ meaning ‘first among our peers’ is the [...]
Defining a niche market
A niche market is a specific group of people within a larger market. These people have specific needs and often need specialist companies to fulfil their needs. When you think [...]
Become a Teen Entrepreneur
Teen Entrepreneur Foundation has launched its membership program. With over 18million Teenagers in South Africa, Teen Entrepreneur Foundation will aim to connect with all teenagers who believe that they have [...]
Become a Young Entrepreneur
For all the Young Entrepreneurs out there. We need you to join us so that you can be an Ambassador for us and also benefit from the exposure of working [...]
Corporate Membership
This opportunity is open to all corporates who have an interest in developing young entrepreneurs. There are 3 Categories of corporate membership - Gold Premium: R250,000 per Year. Benefits for [...]
Exploring your teen’s entrepreneurial potential
There is no doubt that young people have the potential to make a huge success in business at a young age these days. Unlike previous generations who finally found financial [...]
Teen businesses – a variety of options exist
If you are the loving parent of a teenager today, you’ve probably heard about the young people out there who are earning more every year than the GDP of a [...]
Discipline and success – how to encourage these attributes in a teen entrepreneur
Peruse the business section of any bookshop and you’ll notice the sheer number of books dealing with the same theme: keys to success. From New York to London to Tokyo [...]
Supporting an entrepreneurial teen
Those of us who have teenagers know just how much they love to dream. If they aren’t diving head-first into some new fad or craze, then they are rebelling against [...]
Crowdsourcing – the latest way to finance your business!
Here’s an awesome update on a trend that is sweeping the world, especially for teen entrepreneurs! If you have never heard of the word ‘crowdsourcing’ you’re not the only one, [...]