About Teen Entrepreneur

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So far Teen Entrepreneur has created 147 blog entries.
9 04, 2013

Awaken The Giant in You: Business Idea Generation Workshop – 4 July 2013

2013-04-09T09:33:10+02:00April 9th, 2013|Past Workshops|

This workshop is a fundamental step in unpacking each child's abilities, talents, skills, vision, dreams which can then be harnessed into business ideas for each. What will it cover? • Sources of  business ideas • Harnessing your talents, skills, fears, and frustrations for business gain • Pulling ideas from your aspirations for financial gain • Leveraging [...]

8 04, 2013

Awaken The Giant in You: Business Idea Generation Workshop – 9 July 2013

2013-04-08T09:36:15+02:00April 8th, 2013|Past Workshops|

This workshop is a fundamental step in unpacking each child's abilities, talents, skills, vision, dreams which can then be harnessed into business ideas for each. What will it cover? • Sources of  business ideas • Harnessing your talents, skills, fears, and frustrations for business gain • Pulling ideas from your aspirations for financial gain • Leveraging [...]

7 04, 2013

Awaken The Giant in You: Business Idea Generation Workshop – 11 July 2013

2013-04-07T09:38:34+02:00April 7th, 2013|Past Workshops|

This workshop is a fundamental step in unpacking each child's abilities, talents, skills, vision, dreams which can then be harnessed into business ideas for each. What will it cover? • Sources of  business ideas • Harnessing your talents, skills, fears, and frustrations for business gain • Pulling ideas from your aspirations for financial gain • Leveraging [...]

6 04, 2013

The Big Idea – Digging deeper

2013-04-06T08:14:03+02:00April 6th, 2013|General, How To Articles|

A wise friend once told me, when bashing my head against a brick wall determined to find the ‘big idea’, that I should write down all the things I love doing.  Then from that list look at all the things which I can make money from now without any further study or resources; and then [...]

26 08, 2012

Creating a New Generation of Entrepreneurs

2017-02-02T12:35:47+02:00August 26th, 2012|Featured Articles|

Instilling a culture of entrepreneurship in teenagers INTRODUCTION With such high unemployment among young people in South Africa, there is great need to rethink strategy. SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation was formed specifically to instill a culture of entrepreneurship in teenagers . Its findings have been both eye opening and challenging. SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation has [...]

20 08, 2012

Become a Parentpreneur

2021-04-29T17:31:26+02:00August 20th, 2012|Articles for Parents, Featured Articles, General|

Parents Membership program: As parents, mentors and support structures of the 18 millions we really need to be there to support them during these formative years. The spirit of entrepreneurship should be planted and encouraged at this tender age. Through your membership, you will be able to kept informed of various initiatives and opportunities that [...]

20 08, 2012

Become a Schoolpreneur

2021-04-29T17:31:17+02:00August 20th, 2012|Featured Articles, General|

School Membership Program: With over 27,000 high schools in South Africa, and close to 16 million teenagers in these schools, it is important that all schools join the SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation. The Foundation's central aim is to instill a culture of entrepreneurship in all teenagers through workshops, seminars and conferences. The Big Dreams Start [...]

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