Everyone has dreams and goals in life. Some people may call it vision. If you do not have a vision it is almost impossible to achieve anything in life. But the question is: are you actively working towards realizing your dreams? The truth is, if you want your dreams to be realized, you need to intentionally and actively work and move towards them.

Some people may not know what to do in order to move towards reaching their goals. That’s where Teen Entrepreneur comes in – We are there to help in whatever area you may struggle with as a teenager. Our job is to help you narrow the distance between where you are right now and where you want to be.

But, firstly, let’s differentiate between dreams and “wishful thinking”. Many people confuse the two. When we attract goals without taking much action, it is called “wishful thinking”.  And when we have highly desirable goals, future realities that we intend to realize, it is dreams. The things that we are willing to work towards and are determined to manifest are dreams and goals.

Having goals and taking action towards them bring positive results. As they say, hard work pays. As cliché as it sounds, it is the truth.

Here are the three key questions that you need to answer when you work towards accomplishing your goals:

  1. What do I want?

You need to clearly define exactly what you want. What is your dream? Be specific, do not generalise. One of the best ways is to write down. Write in details what exactly is it that you want to accomplish. The process of putting your thoughts into words will help you to be clear.

  1. What am I doing to realize my dream?

You can’t have dreams and just look at them, right?  You will have to do something about them. Now that you have them written down, it is time to move towards them. What action can you take daily to keep you moving in the right direction? It is much easier to take action when you know what actions you need to take. Once again write your thoughts down. This will help you move to the right direction.

  1. Am I actively and intentionally moving towards my dreams and goals every day?

Are you acting on your action plan? Does your action plan bring you positive results? Be consistent in whatever you have committed yourself to do in order to reach your goals. Project your thoughts into the future. Whatever you do every day, let it bring your dream closer to you.

Stop saying “I wish”, and start saying “I will”. Go on and shine!