4 04, 2024

Teen creative arts businesses are painting a brighter future for South Africa

2024-04-04T09:42:55+02:00April 4th, 2024|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, Home, How To Articles|

In the diverse and dynamic landscape of South Africa, a new breed of entrepreneurs is emerging – teenagers venturing into the world of wellness businesses.

20 03, 2024

Nurturing Well-being: Teen Wellness Businesses Flourish in South Africa with Business in a Box

2024-03-20T15:56:23+02:00March 20th, 2024|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, Home, How To Articles|

In the diverse and dynamic landscape of South Africa, a new breed of entrepreneurs is emerging – teenagers venturing into the world of wellness businesses.

10 01, 2024

Cultivating Success: Teen Vegetable Businesses Thrive with Business in a Box in South Africa

2024-01-10T14:40:06+02:00January 10th, 2024|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, Home, How To Articles|

Teenagers across South Africa are embracing the world of vegetable farming, cultivating not just crops but also essential life skills.

11 12, 2023

Empowering the Future: The Significance of Teen-Run Businesses in South Africa

2023-12-11T11:56:44+02:00December 11th, 2023|Articles for Teens, Featured Articles, Home, How To Articles|

In the vibrant tapestry of South Africa, where resilience and innovation thrive, there is a burgeoning movement that holds the promise of shaping the nation's economic landscape – teen-run businesses.

4 01, 2022

Ultimate Teenage Entrepreneur Checklist | Teen Entrepreneurs

2022-01-13T08:29:14+02:00January 4th, 2022|Articles for Teens|

So you want to be an Entrepreneur Here’s the Ultimate Teenage Entrepreneur Checklist A fantastic business idea and demand for your products and services are an excellent starting point on your road to entrepreneurship. There’s a lot more involved in making it happen, though. Browse our teenage entrepreneur checklist for guidance on how to thrive [...]

7 09, 2021

Youth Entrepreneurship | It’s Time

2021-09-03T07:23:43+02:00September 7th, 2021|Featured Articles|

NOW is the time for youth entrepreneurship South Africa relies on entrepreneurs and their unique business ideas to boost the economy, as well as to help alleviate the unemployment crisis. The statistics speak for themselves, with youth unemployment rising to a staggering 64,4% of those aged 15-24 and 42,9% of those between 25-34 in the [...]

1 07, 2021

Work Readiness and the Importance of Upskilling for Entrepreneurs

2021-06-30T12:22:36+02:00July 1st, 2021|How To Articles|

When you eventually complete matric, you’ll likely feel exhausted and up for a much-needed break rather than thinking about work readiness and upskilling yourself. After all, you’ve just finished 12 years of school, and with the added stress of completing the most important final stages of the marathon during the times of COVID! The thought [...]

19 01, 2021

How to Choose the Right Subjects for Higher Learning

2021-04-29T17:26:43+02:00January 19th, 2021|Articles for Teens, Uncategorized|

Now that you are in (or nearing) Grade 10, you will be faced with one of the most crucial choices of your life – choosing the right subjects for your senior years. You may be tempted to simply choose the subjects that you enjoy the most, but there are a lot of other considerations that [...]

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