How You Can Help Drive Entrepreneurship in South Africa
Entrepreneurship is not only important when it comes to building confidence and self-esteem within a young individual, it is also important for the future growth and development of our beautiful country as a whole. Unfortunately, over the years, South Africa’s entrepreneurial activity has started to dwindle and has recently reached [...]
The Difference between Mentors and Coaches
When it comes to inspiring young minds and helping to develop important leadership and entrepreneurial skills, both mentors and coaches have a very important role to play. Let’s clear up some questions before they arise and take a look at the main differences, as well as the main similarities, that [...]
Teachers and Principals – It’s Time to Do Your Part!
As teachers and principals, the youth of today and entrepreneurs of tomorrow are in your hands. You hold the key to their futures and it is up to you to do everything you possibly can in order to inspire, motivate and mentor these leaders of the future! South Africa is [...]
Champion Leaders required – do you fit the bill?
They say that people are born leaders, but this isn't always the case. By focusing on developing certain characteristics and qualities, anyone and everyone can become a leader! The question is, are you champion leader material? Let's find out... Are you proactive? Great leaders don't sit around waiting for opportunities to [...]
Be a Bold Teen Entrepreneur
Being an entrepreneur is about so much more than simply having a great idea – it is about doing everything in your power to make that idea work! Bold teen entrepreneurs have a vision and, most importantly, they have a plan. They don’t wait for opportunities to come their way… [...]
The chicken or the egg – are you a leader or a follower?
Why settle for anything less than being totally awesome? Why let other people dictate your journey when you can navigate it yourself? Why be a follower when you can be a leader instead? Don’t get us wrong – being a leader doesn’t mean going it alone. After all, a leader [...]