About Teen Entrepreneur

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So far Teen Entrepreneur has created 147 blog entries.
6 05, 2012

Awaken the Giant in You: Innovation Cycle and Business Idea Generation

2017-02-02T12:35:50+02:00May 6th, 2012|Past Workshops|

We offer a 6 Step Entrepreneur Training Program and link you with a bank that is willing to loan start-up capital to all our graduates. If you are a Teenager you qualify! Simply click the Register button below and fill in the form to register. Here is an outline of what you can expect: 1. [...]

3 05, 2012

Awaken the Giant in You: Marketing Your Business

2017-02-02T12:35:50+02:00May 3rd, 2012|Past Workshops|

We offer a 6 Step Entrepreneur Training Program and link you with a bank that is willing to loan start-up capital to all our graduates. If you are a Teenager you qualify! Simply click the Register button below and fill in the form to register. Here is an outline of what you can expect: 4. [...]

1 05, 2012

Awaken the Giant in You: Financing Your Business

2017-02-02T12:35:51+02:00May 1st, 2012|Past Workshops|

We offer a 6 Step Entrepreneur Training Program and link you with a bank that is willing to loan start-up capital to all our graduates. If you are a Teenager you qualify! Simply click the Register button below and fill in the form to register. Here is an outline of what you can expect: 6. [...]

2 04, 2012

Global Change Makers

2017-02-02T12:35:51+02:00April 2nd, 2012|Featured Articles, General|

Stop!  Halt!  Pull yourselves towards yourselves.  All this teen talk is so fabulously focused but lets’ consider other points of view and approaches.  Have you heard of a social entrepreneur?  No, not jolling with your china’s or your china’s china’s in a new party venue; this in fact is a pretty profound entrepreneurial endeavour in [...]

16 02, 2012

Gala Dinner and Launch of High School Enterprise Competition

2017-02-02T12:35:51+02:00February 16th, 2012|Past Workshops|

Dates: Thursday 29th March 2012 Venue: Kelvin Grove, Newlands, Cape Town Time: 7pm for 7:15pm Tickets: R250 per ticket (Tickets now on sale click here) Sponsor a table: R2500 for 10 people (To sponsor a table click here) What it's all about: SA Teen Entrepreneur Foundation cordially invites you the Fundraising Dinner and Launch of [...]

7 11, 2011

Teen Entrepreneur Ambassadors & Information Session

2017-02-02T12:35:52+02:00November 7th, 2011|Past Workshops|

Date: 26th November Venue: Groote Schuur High School, Palmyra Road, Newlands Time: 10am - 12am Cost: R50 Refreshments will be served [line] School heads, parents, youth pastors, community leaders and teenagers, are all invited to attend our information session and a presentation to our 2012 Teen Entrepreneur Ambassadors certificates. We will endeavor to explain our [...]

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