Scholarships are catalysts that can open up the world to deserving students who are ready to embrace them with both hands. Yet when one considers the amount of applications each scholarship can receive, it may seem a little intimidating.
We caught up with those in the know to ask how a hardworking student can up their chances of bagging that scholarship. We asked for the top tips to elevate an application. Here’s what experts had to say.
- Have a consistent academic record
It is not good enough that your current marks are amazing when the previous ones rapidly fluctuated. A scholarship can rather be awarded to a committed consistent student, regardless of whether or not they are an “A-student”. - Stick your nose in it
Contrary to popular belief, shortlisted candidates are the ones who like to get involved in matters that should ideally not concern them. An invention that gained traction in your local news or being part of a local green campaign can count in your favour. - Get messy
When asked to write an essay, don’t be afraid to speak about yourself, your interests, fears and aspirations. Dig deep. Don’t linger on the surface afraid to open yourself up, lest you be known for who you are and what you believe in. - Be [super]human
In your application, if you are asked for a weakness – don’t just say the typical regurgitated answers of “I am a perfectionist” and “I am very detailed”. Chances are 80% other applications also Googled that and said it. Rather mention your struggles – and most importantly, how you overcame them and used them to make you stronger. - Be yourself
So often one can be tempted to overly quote others and try to replicate the success story of someone you aspire to be. While is it important to acknowledge others who have gone before you, it is important to be true to yourself, your interests, likes and heart.
If you want random inspiration to inspire creativity and perhaps even awaken a new interest in you (that may count in your scholarship application favour); then it may be worth your while to visit our online learning shop for cool handpicked resources.
Never stop learning and never fear failure. If you don’t apply for that scholarship you will always wonder.