Fast-acting, socially conscious startups can benefit during a crisis
COVID-19 is changing the world as we know it. Schools, universities, workplaces, restaurants, hotels and churches have been closed, and socially constructed norms are being challenged like never before. Suddenly remote workers and home-schooled kids have the advantage as we rewrite what community means in the presence of a global [...]
Shining the spotlight on remote learning
South Africa's unprecedented 21-day lockdown teaches that for the human species to survive; we need to challenge the status quo. Within what seemed like a blink of an eye, Corona Virus (COVID-19) moved from being Wuhan's "issue" to that of the entire world. If ever humanity is to have a [...]
How to Make Your Mark on Our Youth
Parents, teachers, investors, community leaders – there are SO many ways that you can make a mark on South Africa’s youth, empowering them to put the work in to reach their full potential. Our country is relying on young entrepreneurs to make a change and to get the economy climbing [...]
Young Entrepreneurs Are Paving the Way in SA
If you can dream it, you can do it. Despite the struggling local economy, young entrepreneurs from across South Africa are obtaining levels of success most cannot even begin to imagine. In other words, if you are focused and dedicated to starting and nurturing your very own business, there is [...]
Top three tips to spot an entrepreneur in your midst
While the world is quick to rave about the Mark Zuckerbergs and Oprah Winfreys of our times, many overlook the presence of upcoming young entrepreneurs within our very homes and schools. There is a tendency to appreciate talent "out there." Let's turn the tables this 2020 by embracing, grooming and [...]
Switch up your habits for the year ahead – being highly productive
What is it about super successful people being so highly productive? The reality is that they are probably as successful as they are because they are so highly productive. The great news, however, is that being highly productive is not something that a person is born with – it is [...]