Undoing the Bad Habits of the Past to Learn for a New Sustainable Future
The way in which humans live – and the demand for great excess and instant gratification – is dramatically impacting the state of our planet. We didn’t always live like this. In fact, sustainability was a key part of daily life until the industrial evolution of the 18th century. From [...]
Fashioning a Sustainable Future
Sustainability is the name of the game when it comes to all industries. If you’re hoping to build a sustainable future and thriving business for yourself, going green and keeping the environment in mind at all times throughout planning to implementation must be a priority. Not only will this work [...]
Fixing Phones to Get Ahead
South African smartphone usage continues to rocket upwards as penetration in 2019 was measured at 91.2%! That astonishing market penetration is even more impressive when you hear that it was 81 .7% in 2018, 10% year on year growth.
Going organic – the future of sustainable business
‘Organic’ is a marketing catchphrase that’s been around for a while - especially in the food industry. What precisely does it mean though… and is it really possible to build a financially sustainable business based on organic food and products? As a reaction to environmental concerns, health concerns and ‘big’ [...]
Who or what is a green entrepreneur
You’ve heard about sustainable entrepreneurship - but what exactly is it, and who or what is a green entrepreneur? Is this type of entrepreneurship something that teens can get involved in? A green entrepreneur is someone who creates a business that benefits the environment There are two important concepts here [...]
4 Ideas for Profitable and Sustainable Businesses to Start in Africa
You have the passion and drive to be a young teen entrepreneur. You just don’t see yourself as a ‘fit’ for the corporate world. You’ve been encouraged to start a business doing something you love. No matter the motive, the intention is there, but it’s important to ensure that the [...]