Guiding our Youth – Are you Mentor Material?
Life skills have to be learnt and a good mentor acts as a transition in guiding youth from adolescence into adulthood, something that often gets left behind as school leavers move on with their lives. Whether a young teen is already confident and feels comfortable expressing himself / herself in [...]
Make Technology Your Friend
Once upon a time, back when your parents were young teens, they didn’t have access to the level of technology available today. Imagine life without Google or a mobile device!! Luckily, you don’t have that problem. Instead, your challenge is to figure out which of the myriad of online tools [...]
Dream It then Do It
If you’re a budding entrepreneur, you probably have a lot of ideas floating around in your head. That’s a great start – after all, nothing would exist if someone didn’t first have a great idea and imagine it becoming reality. It’s not enough though: in order to make your dream [...]
Parents – Nurturing Your Teen Entrepreneur
As a parent, you’ll already have figured out that there are pros and cons to having an entrepreneurially-minded child. They tend to think (and act) big and out the box, which is a wonderful thing, so long as they also remain rooted in reality. Here’s how to support them: Encourage [...]
Will You Be at the Grand Finale?
Perhaps you’ve admired Vusi Thembekwayo for his public speaking prowess – he was recently named one of the top 12 international speakers, adding to his other incredible achievements, or entrepreneurial thought leader Rapelang Rabana, co-founder of Yeigo Communications and recently chosen as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum, [...]
Troubled teen? So was Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg
There’s a peculiar underlying thread that cuts across successful entrepreneurs. One so unusual, your headmaster may not completely approve of such an article; and perhaps with good reason because this article borders on troubled teens (pun intended). However, rather than commenting on personal opinions, Prof Ross Levine of the Haas [...]