Easy Guidelines for Creating and Running SA Teen Entrepreneur Societies
SA Teen Entrepreneur societies are all about promoting growth, great ideas, inspiration and collaboration. If you are keen to create a society at your school, doing so is easy with the help of our straightforward blueprint below. Step 1: Registration The first thing that you will need to do is [...]
Entrepreneurial Spirit but Failing School? Here’s What You Need to Know
Got the entrepreneurial spirit but not doing so well in school? Fear not. It is still possible to succeed… and it is still possible to get a degree. Here’s how. Create Structure and Routine Most students who aren’t achieving the marks that they hope to are struggling because their lives [...]
Inspiring and growing the next generation of farmers in South Africa
In order to work on future sustainability for farming in South Africa, there needs to be more encouragement from educational institutions as well as farming communities themselves to create a desire in the younger generation to start a long-term career in the industry. It is also important to convey the [...]
Not all champion teachers are created equal; here’s why
Champion teachers are at the frontline of grooming tomorrow’s impact entrepreneurs. Dedicated teachers will tell you that teaching is so much more than a job, it is a calling. The commitment and influence of SA’s teachers came to the fore at the Grand Finale that took place on 20 October [...]
Surviving Exam Season
Surviving High School is tough and exam season can make it even more stressful. There’s no getting away from it. Even the most laid-back of students will find themselves frantically paging through textbooks ahead of the big day. So, how do you get through exam season relatively unscathed, with your [...]
The land issue (and what that’s got to do with you)
Speaking to world leaders and investors in New York during the month of September 2018, our South African President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed that the expropriation of land without compensation was on the cards. He, however, reassured the captains of industry that it would be done responsibly and in a manner [...]