The Future of Online Learning
The future of online learning in South Africa is a hot topic at the moment – what are the benefits and challenges? We investigate. COVID-19 and lockdown have highlighted the importance of embracing the power of digital when it comes to salvaging and strengthening learning opportunities for local students. The [...]
5 Fabulous tips for female founders in Women’s Month
Hey girl boss, fancy yourself a Fempreneur? (That’s hashtag-speak for female business owner!) Being a female entrepreneur comes with a unique set of challenges. We can’t get away from the fact that the world, and especially the business world, is largely dominated by men. As a result, many young women [...]
Young entrepreneur, a female ‘Popeye’ farmer from Kayelitsha is helping her community thrive!
According to the cartoon, spinach makes Popeye strong. Maybe in South Africa, Swiss chard makes you even stronger? This certainly seems to be the case for 27-year-old Ncumisa Mkabile, a young entrepreneur from Khayelitsha in Cape Town. Her small farming business is growing from strength to strength - providing her [...]
How to know if your business idea is good or not
Got an idea for a new business, but not sure if it will work or not? Now more than ever (during the time of Covid-19) young entrepreneurs have many opportunities to begin new businesses, but also need to be more conscious and careful when it comes to planning and developing [...]
Tech Matters: The Most In-Demand Programming Skills
Are you, like most other high school students, contemplating what you want your life to look like following matric? There is no doubt that you will have dreams about starting your own business. However, in order to do that, you will need to bolster your skills. Gain some experience in [...]
Entrepreneurship during COVID-19 – Businesses that defied the odds
How do you keep a small business alive during the coronavirus pandemic? By being innovative and pivoting your products and services to keep up with the new normal. Entrepreneurship during Covid-19 is very different to what it was before the pandemic. Even with more relaxed lockdown restrictions, many business owners [...]