Idea Generation: Turning Everyday Issues into Potential Business Ventures
Great business ideas rarely just fall into your lap or simply pop into your head. So, how are they created? Many entrepreneurs might start by thinking about cool products that they could make or how to put their existing talent and passion to good use to provide specific services. However, [...]
Finding the Silver Lining: Every Crisis Comes to an End Eventually
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a mammoth impact on the world as we know it, especially from a health and finance perspective. A significant economic downturn is just one of the consequences brought about as a result of the virus. And the reality is that the suffering economy is having [...]
Getting Where You Want to Go by Setting Goals
So, you know that you want your business to succeed. The question is, do you have a solid plan in place to help you make that happen? Ultimately, knowing where you want to be isn’t enough – you need to know the route that you are going to take in [...]
7 business ideas for young teen entrepreneurs
Who says you need to be a grown-up to start your own business? Teen entrepreneurs have loads of skills that they can use to begin making money right now! All you need is a great idea, and the motivation to make it happen. So if you want to launch a [...]
The key to successful online learning in a digital environment
Studying and learning over the internet is nothing new, but its advantages have really been highlighted during the coronavirus pandemic and global lockdown. Successful online learning, however, requires students to be self-motivated. Whether it’s high school or university courses that are being studied online, students should have (or develop) the [...]
A Guide to Future-Focused Business Planning
It’s all about living in the moment – until you start a business, that is. Planning for the future when you own a small business can help you to better navigate the challenges still to come. Future-focused business planning will also help you to adequately prepare to embrace the opportunities [...]