What’s a Thought Leader you may ask? They are the guys who influence the world. They are not the manual labour peeps or the ones sitting in corporate houses being told what to do… Thought Leaders are what you can sort of refer to as ‘Captains of Industry’. They don’t just go with the flow, they steer it.

Thought leaders are innovative and authoritative. They can take a simple thing and come up with a spin. Think of a car for example, a Thought Leader will add the seat belts and sensors to help minimise accidents, Bluetooth connectivity to simplify life and more. Make no mistake; the world is willing to pay for solutions.

Here are five unusual tips to birth yourself a Thought Leader:

  • See problems: Do you realise that your school’s garden lacks beauty and flowers? Are you aware that there are kids who have to walk long distances to get to school and are hungry? Train yourself to spot problems that are out of the ordinary, find a niche and gap; and think out of the box about how you can fill it.
  • Ask questions that count: Thought Leaders do better and for less. They go further quicker. You need to ask questions on the current state so that you can improve it.
  • Don’t be afraid to be afraid: Set time aside to be alone and think. You will be scared and fearful at times, but do it afraid. Just show up!
  • Be resilient: Cultivate the inner ability to bend back into shape after great adversity. Even when your ideas are ridiculed or rejected and no one believes in you, press on!  Don’t let “No” deter you.
  • Respect life: At the end of the day, being successful is about service and making the world a better place, and if that means creating jobs, then all the better for respect.